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Оксфордский университет, по сути, захватывает весь город Оксфорд: почти в каждом уголке уютного города найдется университетский колледж, факультет, библиотека или резиденция.
Всего в Оксфорде 38 факультетов, 59 отделений, которые разбиты на департаменты:
Социальные науки — Humanities Division
- Rothermere American Institute
- Ruskin School of Art
- Faculty of Classics
- Faculty of English Language and Literature
- Faculty of History
- History of Art department
- Faculty of Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics
- Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
- Faculty of Music
- Faculty of Oriental Studies
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Theology and Religion
- TORCH: The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
+ Voltaire Foundation.
Математика, физика и науки о жизни — Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences Division
- Begbroke Science Park
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Department ofEngineering Science
- Department of Materials
- Department of Physics
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department ofStatistics
- Department of Zoology
- Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre
- e-Research Centre
- Mathematical Institute.
Медицинские науки — Medical Sciences Division
- Department of Biochemistry
- Department of Experimental Psychology
- Department of Oncology
- Department of Paediatrics
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics
- Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
- Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences
- Nuffield Department of Population Health
- Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
- Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health
- Radcliffe Department of Medicine
- Sir William Dunn School of Pathology.
Социальные науки — Social Sciences Division
- School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
- School of Archaeology
- School of Geography and the Environment
- Department of Economics
- Department of Education
- Department of International Development
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Social Policy and Intervention
- Department of Politics and International Relations
- Saïd Business School
- Faculty of Law
- Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Blavatnik School of Government
- Oxford Martin School
- Internet Institute.
Дополнительное образование — Department for Continuing Education.
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