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LED Screen Selection Guide


LED equipment has become part of our life. Many companies offer all kinds of LED screens, touting the benefits of each. The Internet is replete with calls to buy an LED screen, but the abundance of scattered information only confuses potential customers. We decided to put together a quick buyer's guide, in which we will try to highlight all the most important parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing equipment, as well as present relevant new data and facts about LED technologies.


1. General information about LED screens, their types and applications.

1.1. Outdoor LED screens.

1.2. Indoor LED screens.

1.3. Media facades.

1.4. Digital super site.

2. Characteristics of LED screens.

2.1. Pixel pitch of the ice screen.

2.2. Peak brightness.

2.3. Varieties of diodes.

3. Aspect ratio of the information field of the LED screen.

4. Ways to control the LED screen.

5. Prices for LED screens.

1. General information about LED screens, their types and applications.

Today many entrepreneurs decide to order an LED screen for advertising purposes. The LED panel can be of any size, it can be easily mounted on a wall, in a showcase, installed on a freestanding structure, etc. Street models are mounted on building facades.

Any content can be broadcast on the LED screen. These can be promotional videos, films, animations, static images, text, etc. Such a wide functionality makes ice screens the best option for a wide variety of areas. Stage screens and LED backstage are installed in theaters, palaces of culture and assembly halls. High-resolution interior screens are used in conference rooms, classrooms, healthcare institutions and centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Shopping centers and individual stores install LED screens in sales areas, showcases. This is both a great way to navigate shoppers, and a great opportunity to advertise new products, announce promotions and discounts. Outdoor displays are the perfect solution for displaying advertisements, and are many times more effective than outdated billboards.


Regardless of the model, any LED display consists of LED modules, power supplies, control elements, housing and communications for data and power transmission. The overall performance and reliability of the screen depends on the quality of these components. Also of great importance is the build quality and correct installation.

1.1 Outdoor LED screens

Outdoor LED screen is one of the most demanded outdoor advertising tools. Immunity to precipitation and dust is achieved due to the special design of the cases and the high degree of protection of the surface of the modules.

Installation of an outdoor LED screen can be done in different ways. For small screens of a few square meters, a “monolithic” installation method is used. In this case, the information canvas is mounted in a single body. It is impossible to use this method for large-area screens due to the difficulties of transportation and lifting of the finished screen. Sometimes a large display is "divided" into parts, each of which is an independent screen, and then they are connected in one case, connecting to each other.

Large screens are assembled on site. Mounting on a wall or facade requires special qualifications and careful preliminary calculations. Before starting work on a project, the bearing capacity of the surface, the weight of the equipment and wind loads must be taken into account.


But the most modern and reliable way of installation is to assemble screens from offices. Each LED cabinet is a separate segment with reliable protection against external influences. However, the weight of such a screen also increases, therefore, to mount it, it is necessary to construct a metal structure or frame.


So that the information field of the screen does not suffer from dust, water and mechanical influences, the space between the diodes is filled with a special silicone-based sealant, and the board is varnished. For interior screens, such protection is not required, which makes it possible to simplify the design of the modules.


1.2 Indoor LED screens.

Indoor LED screens are lighter than outdoor ones. For the assembly of interior models, as a rule, modules with a small pixel pitch are used. This is necessary in order to provide high quality images from a short distance. Indeed, indoors, the distance to the audience is only a few meters.


The installation of an indoor LED screen is not much different from the installation of outdoor models. For large screens, it is also necessary to create a metal structure. When installing stage ice screens, winches are often used, which make it possible to raise and lower the structure in the future.

1.3 Media facades

A media facade is a kind of LED screen that has its own characteristics. Such equipment is specially designed for installation on building facades. A media facade can have a huge area, while the structure allows light and air to pass through. The light transmission capacity of the media facade depends on the model. The most popular slatted media facades that can be installed on glazed structures, residential buildings and office buildings. At the same time, a comfortable level of lighting is maintained for all residents and employees.


The quality, clarity of the image on the media facade is slightly worse than that of the classic LED screen. This is due to the fact that the pixel pitch of the media facade is much larger. However, due to the large area of ​​the information field, the effect of such equipment remains at a very high level.

1.4 Digital super site

Another type of LED screen is a digital super site. The design of such a screen implies installation on a free-standing support. A super site can be one-way or two-way. The most common model is the "dovetail" - a super-site of two LED screens located at an acute angle to each other. Due to this arrangement of screens, the super site covers the maximum number of viewers. Images are visible from a great distance, and from virtually any angle.


The designers of our company are developing the design of the digital supersite taking into account further convenient maintenance. Service work does not require the involvement of special equipment.

2. Characteristics of LED screens

2.1 Pixel pitch of LED screen

Pixel pitch is one of the most important parameters when choosing an LED display. This is the distance between the centers of adjacent LEDs in millimeters. For example, if the model has P8 in its name, then the pixel pitch is 8 mm. The pixel pitch determines the resolution of the LED screen, namely the ratio of pixels in the vertical and horizontal direction.


The more pixels are located on 1 m2 of the screen, the clearer and more detailed the picture will be. To choose an LED screen with an optimal pixel pitch, consider how far the viewer will be from it. Typically, the distance in meters from the audience is approximately equal to the pixel pitch in millimeters. That is, a screen with a pixel pitch of P5 is perfect for indoor installations, where the distance to the audience is about 5 meters.

2.2 Peak brightness

The brightness of an LED screen is measured in candelas per square meter. Trying to buy an LED screen with maximum brightness is not worth it. A high indicator is justified only in cases where the screen is mounted at a considerable height in direct sunlight.

For interior models, the brightness ranges from 800 cd / m2. Outdoor LED screens should be brighter as sunlight affects image quality. For outdoor ice displays, diodes with a brightness of 4500 cd / m2 and higher are used.


It makes no sense to chase high performance for several reasons:

  • an excessively bright screen will consume more electricity;
  • excessive brightness can cause irritation (backlash) in viewers;
  • the lifespan of very high brightness LEDs is shorter due to the higher amperage.

2.3 Varieties of LEDs

DIP diodes were the first to appear on the market. Electronic components in such LEDs are soldered into the board, fixing with special "legs". There can be 3 or 4 of them, and together they form a pixel. Then came the 3-in-1 DIP diodes, which allowed multiple colors to be combined under one lens. The most modern LED format is SMD. Unlike previous versions, such diodes do not use legs for installing diodes into the board, they are soldered directly into the surface.

The DIP LEDs have a convex shape and therefore may partially overlap each other when viewed from an angle. The viewing angle in the case of SMD diodes is much larger and is 140 degrees.

Another advantage of SMD technology is less weight. The difference in weight with DIP diodes is about 25-30%, and this is important for calculating the installation of the screen.

3. Aspect ratio of the information field of the LED screen.

Most LED screens, regardless of size, have an aspect ratio of 4: 3 or 16: 9. This is due to the fact that it is these formats that are now accepted when creating content: video and images. If you are installing a screen with a different aspect ratio, be prepared for additional costs when creating content. To broadcast a standard picture or video, it will have to be cropped or compressed, and this is not only extra labor costs, but also a deterioration in quality.


4. Ways to control the LED screen

Offline screen control implies automatic playback of content that is recorded on an internal media. For this, the screen controller is equipped with a processor, RAM and internal memory. Online control allows you to broadcast on the screen any video and images from a computer or cameras. In this case, the signal must continuously go to the video input of the controller.

There are also controller models that combine these two control methods. The user can switch to automatic broadcast mode, or transmit an image from a third-party device.

5. Prices for LED screens

The cost of an LED screen depends not only on the size and technical characteristics. The choice of accessories and other features are of great importance. So two different manufacturers can offer you a screen of the same size and pixel pitch, but in the end they can be two completely different devices.

There are sellers who offer screens assembled literally on the knee. Such equipment, as a rule, consists of cheap components designed for a short service life, and unprofessional assembly is fraught not only with premature screen failure, but also with much more serious consequences.


In pursuit of savings, the buyer will have to pay twice: for a low-quality screen, and for its repair or purchase of a new one. Choosing a trusted manufacturer with well-established automated production and extensive experience in the assembly of LED equipment, you get a guarantee of efficient operation of the screen for many years and timely service.

You can get qualified advice on the choice of LED equipment, calculate the cost of a model with specific parameters and order delivery and installation of an LED screen in our company. The site https://www.gtlamp.ru/ provides a complete list of our equipment and presents photos of LED screens installed by our specialists.