It's no secret that most of the LED screen components are made in China. This fact makes many who wish to purchase such equipment to think about an independent trip to the "Celestial Empire" in the hope of buying it there much cheaper. The specialists of the GT Light company will not dissuade from such a decision, but they warn about several "pitfalls".
When your eyes run wide
There are a huge number of factories in China that produce LED modules and ready-made screens from them. The whole city - Shenzhen is a real LED center of the world. There are several hundred factories dealing with screens and media facades. It seems to be a huge choice - only a plus. But not all of the manufacturers are able to offer really high-quality products. It took our company years of work to sort out the many Chinese proposals. An inexperienced buyer runs the risk of running into a company where screens are assembled literally "on the knee" in some basement.
Is it cheaper?
The main argument in favor of traveling to China for led equipment is the low price. But here, too, disappointment can reap. The fact is that the factories will not make a discount for an ordinary buyer. But for large Russian companies, they offer special conditions, because they buy goods regularly and in large quantities. Ultimately, the price in Russia and China is not very different. Add to this the expenses for a personal trip to China, customs duties, etc., and Russian prices for screens will become even more attractive.
Expert opinion
In China, you are unlikely to get a really detailed consultation on the choice of a particular model. Factories are set up for wholesales, and their managers are accustomed to communicating with buyers who understand led equipment and know exactly what they need. But for Russian companies, each client is important, so they, as a rule, strive to answer any questions in as much detail as possible. After all, there is a possibility that the next time a satisfied customer will turn to them again. And the need to maintain a good business reputation has not been canceled.
Legal issues
Do not forget about the legal intricacies. Acquisition of sophisticated equipment abroad requires knowledge of international law. Even just paying for the purchase will not work if you do not have a foreign currency account.
Does the customs give the go-ahead?
Transporting an LED screen will also require investment of time and money. Not every transport company will undertake such a task. At the same time, you will also need special trunks for transporting LED units.
Conclusion: before going to China behind the screen, carefully calculate the possible risks and costs. We also recommend that you first make a request for calculating the price of an LED screen from a Russian manufacturer. It is likely that the conditions will be so favorable that the need for a long trip will disappear altogether.
You can calculate the cost of an LED screen or media facade on our website: