Many Disciples 2 fans heard echoes of news related to the addition of a new race to the game: podcasts, reviews and streams of alpha concepts, posts in communities.
At the end of last year, the topic was heard, but today the information flow has subsided . There hasn't been any new news for months. The launch of the platform served as an excellent reason to publish a fresh piece of information related to the Naga concept project. At this stage of development, two key factors play a crucial role: work on recreating a unique style and editing the game code. To discuss progress on these fronts, I spoke with Arseniy Senin the head and coordinator of the project . Arseniy is ready to tell about his successes in this field and what difficulties he met on the way to the goal.
“I am sure that everyone who watched our introductory video a few months ago (where we shared our plans to launch a new nag faction for the vanilla version of Disciples II) interested in the question: "what's next?” I want to make you happy that the work has not stopped since that moment. That interview, especially some of the comments, made a significant positive dynamic in the development.”
It is worth noting that the constructive criticism and suggestions published under the video were really considered by us.
"We had to review all the visual developments with Svyatoslav Petrov, we roll back and started to work again on drawing sketches of all units in the development branches. It was done before the new year. This is a fairly extensive work that sets the general vector of visual development of the new Nag race, so it took a lot of time to work out moodboards , references and redraw the bad sketches. "
Fans of the game admit that Petrov managed to convey the dark style of Disciples 2 as closely as possible in his works. The community admires his portraits and modders often use them in their projects. But other authors also help our team besides Petrov. Arseniy told about the scale of production.
“As for today we have formed a working group from Russia, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan which works on the production of each model. We create the concepts of each unit, which is worked on by a specialist in 3D modeling and a separate person who creates special effects. This is quite painstaking work, since the main condition of production is to preserve and imitate the original style of Disciples II. Let's not forget about the voice acting of game characters, which is an integral part of the game's authenticity.
But that's not all! Our "code winners" under Mak's patronage are also continuing to redesign the game internals. Step by step, our team is approaching the full-scale implementation of all our plans.
On the resource we post the latest developments. So, if you want to get more detailed information, we advise you to visit it.
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