Достаточно старое исследование, которое провели ученые из Richard Dawkins Foundation (Фонд Ричарда Докинза), показывает, что мартышки и обезьяны определенного вида умеют предупреждать об опасности конкретными звуковыми сигналами.
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Can Monkeys Talk?
One of the other things that we're ___ ___ about these monkeys and apes are their vocalizations. Because of vocal... if we really ___ ___ with the idea that we ___ ___ something like the common ancestor of us and these creatures, then maybe we can find some hints of our language in their vocal communication.
- monkeys/apes - обезьяны
- common ancestor - общий предок
In the mid-1960s there was a very interesting discovery made; at the time, people thought that, uhm, whenever a monkey gave a vocalization it was just sort of an involuntary cry, like, "Ah!" you shout as you ___ your hand ___ from the hot stove, or as you're ___ as someone jumps out at you. And they don't usually use words- sounds the way we use words, as voluntary signals that ___ some feature of the environment.
- involuntary cry - непроизвольный крик
- hot stove - горячая печь
- voluntary signals - произвольные сигналы
There are vervet monkeys in east Africa. They are small, grey monkeys that ___ ___ groups of about 20 or so, and they were found, or thought, to give different alarm calls to different predators. And the calls ___ different responses.
- vervet monkeys - мартышки (разновидность обезьян)
- predators - хищники
The monkeys would ___ ___on the grass, and one of them would see a leopard and give this distinctive leopard alarm call, and all the monkeys, all the other monkeys in the group, upon hearing this call, ___ ___ into a tree.
- distinctive leopard alarm call - отличительный тревожный сигнал о приближении леопарда
As if they had ___ ___ the first guy's alarm call that there was a leopard nearby, and this ___ them to run up into the tree.
If an animal saw an eagle, and gave a very different alarm call, the other monkeys, upon hearing that call, ___ ___ in the air. Or they ran into a bush. But they didn't go up into a tree, because eagles a very good at ___ ___ the branches and ___ ___ a monkey.
- an eagle - орел
And if the first monkey to see the predator saw a snake, usually a python, and gave this third kind of alarm call, the other monkeys in the group, upon hearing it, ___ ___ their hind legs and ___ all in the grass around them.
- hind legs - задние ноги
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One of the other things that we're interested in about these monkeys and apes are their vocalizations. Because of vocal... if we really go in with the idea that we evolved from something like the common ancestor of us and these creatures, then maybe we can find some hints of our language in their vocal communication.
- to evolve from - эволюционировать от кого-то; происходить от кого-то
In the mid-1960s there was a very interesting discovery made; at the time, people thought that, uhm, whenever a monkey gave a vocalization it was just sort of an involuntary cry, like, "Ah!" you shout as you pull your hand back from the hot stove, or as you're surprised as someone jumps out at you. And they don't usually use words- sounds the way we use words, as voluntary signals that designate some feature of the environment.
- to designate - обозначить
There are vervet monkeys in east Africa. They are small, grey monkeys that live in groups of about 20 or so, and they were found, or thought, to give different alarm calls to different predators. And the calls elicited different responses.
- to elicit - выявлять
The monkeys would be out on the grass, and one of them would see a leopard and give this distinctive leopard alarm call, and all the monkeys, all the other monkeys in the group, upon hearing this call, ran up into a tree.
As if they had learned from the first guy's alarm call that there was a leopard nearby, and this caused them to run up into the tree.
- to cause - заставить; спровоцировать; вынудить
If an animal saw an eagle, and gave a very different alarm call, the other monkeys, upon hearing that call, looked up in the air. Or they ran into a bush. But they didn't go up into a tree, because eagles a very good at zipping through the branches and plucking off a monkey.
- to zip through - проноситься сквозь
- to pluck off -выдернуть; выдергивать
And if the first monkey to see the predator saw a snake, usually a python, and gave this third kind of alarm call, the other monkeys in the group, upon hearing it, stood on their hind legs and looked all in the grass around them.