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Planning Birthday Party - Активность для занятия по Английскому

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Данная активность помогает ученикам улучшить свои речевые навыки, каждое моё занятие на эту тему проходит быстро и весело так как ученик подходит к нему с большим интересом.

У вашего друга день рождения и вы пришли спросить совета.Далее дан план по которому можно задавать вопросы ученику.

My best friend Jason is celebrating his 30th birthday next Friday and is going to have a birthday party, the bad thing of that is that he asked me to plan and organize it. I have never ever planned parties at all. So I came to you hoping you could help with ideas or advices how to make his birthday party perfect. Could you do that for me?

1. Well the main part of any birthday is a present. I have no idea what kind of present could I give him. Do you have any ideas?

2. Who should I invite to his party? Should I invite locals only?

3. I also need some help with cooking. Can you help me bake a huge pizza for the guests? Do you like the idea of making a huge pizza? What other food would you suggest I fetch?

4. I wanted to ask you if have any decorations compatible with the party? Or do you think I should make them myself?

5. Do you know any decent DJ in our town? What music does he play? Is he or she famous enough?

6. I also need a fine photographer. Do you know anyone who can take great photos and wouldn't cost me much.

7. There will be a lot of kids at the party. What do you think I should so they could have fun? What drinks and food should I prepare for them?

8. What about party games? Do you know any activities that could bring fun to all of the guests?

9. The cake is one of the most important things for a birthday. I am not much of a cake lover so I thought you would help find the best one of them. Which of these cakes should I buy?

10. And the last but not least thing is my appearance. I want to buy some fine clothes, can you help me choose the best for the party? What do you think I should put on?