Let me share with you the article I recently read.
Positive metacognitive beliefs
- Worrying/ruminating helps me cope
- Worrying helps me get things done
- Rumination helps me understand
- If I analyze why I feel this way, I’ll find answers
- Something bad would happen if I didn’t worry
- Focusing on possible threats can keep me safe
- It is important to control my thoughts
- Analyzing my problems will help me find answers
Negative metacognitive beliefs
- I cannot control my thinking
- If I don’t control my worry, it will control me
- I can’t control my attention
Negative metacognitive beliefs
- Worrying too much can harm me
- Some thoughts could make me lose my mind
- Strong emotions are dangerous
- Bad thoughts have the power to make me do bad things
- Some thoughts can make bad things happen
- Thinking something makes it true
All of these lead to feeling tired, demotivated, stressed, depressed, and anxious. All of these harm your learning process if you don't self-regulate your learnign process.
"Metacognitive beliefs control whether we deal with negative thoughts, and they are therefore the reason that negative feelings persist because they block self-regulation"
Do you recognize your beliefs on this list?
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