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📌 ... похож/отличается в том смысле, что ... > ... like/similar/differs to the extent that ... > like/similar/differs ... in that ...

✒️ IT:

• It's also SIMILAR to the now infamous Log4Shell vulnerability IN THAT the issue is rooted in the manner string substitutions carried out during DNS, script, and URL lookups could lead to the execution of arbitrary code on susceptible systems when passing untrusted input.

• This call works JUST LIKE pthread_create() IN THAT the thread starts executing with the first instruction of aSelector and the thread terminates when themethod exits.

• Acceptance tests DIFFER from usability tests IN THAT the atmosphere may be adversarial, so outside testing organizations are often appropriate to ensure neutrality.

✒️ MED:

• The ability to grant someone durable POA for health is SIMILAR, IN THAT a patient can indicate who they would be best for this and why they have chosen that person.

• An oblique talus DIFFERS IN THAT the talonavicular dislocation reduces with plantarflexion and the hindfoot is not usually in equinus.

• It DIFFERS from rheumatoid arthritis IN THAT the disease is asymmetrical and affects large joints more than small joints.

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