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Микрофоны «Октава»

Musical style lo-fi

We continue the rubric of interesting musical genres. Let's get acquainted with the peculiarities of the direction in music, which is characterized by low sound quality and the presence of jazz chords. Let's talk about LO-FI.

LO-FI is translated from English as "low fidelity". The genre appeared as an alternative to hi-fi (high-fidelity). This is a special sound aesthetic, the formation of which occurred in the 80-90s. The term "lo-fi" was popularized by William Berger in 1987. The main technique characterizing the genre is that musicians specifically degrade the sound quality, avoid using high frequencies, mix the performance with background noise and environmental sounds. Lo-fi is often referred to as a "rebellious" genre.

The genre originated in the middle of the last century. At that time, LO-FI could be attributed to rock and roll artists (for example, The Beatles), garage rock 1960 and punk rock 1970. Many musicians of that time did not want to spend a lot of time and money to create music, limited by the conditions of "home" studios. Often a full-length album was recorded in 8 hours. As an independent genre, LO-FI was formed on the alternative rock of the 1980s.

The peculiarity of LO-FI music is spontaneity, surprise, and improvisation. The motto was to show yourself as you really are.

For example, listen to music:

Pussy Galore, Beat Happening, Pavement, Liz Phair, Beck.

The LO-FI genre has its own subgenres. Among them are lo-fi indie, lo-fi hip-hop, lo-fi house.

Lo-fi also existed in the USSR. This group is “DK". The founder is Sergey Zharikov. Since 1980, the "DK" consisted of musician Sergey Letov, the elder brother of the leader of the "Civil Defense", who also used lo-fi techniques when recording music.

Which Oktava microphones are used:

The condenser MK-207 will perfectly cope with vocal tasks. The microphone design is perfectly balanced and fixed in the handle through a shock absorber. The MK-105 microphone and the ML-52-02 tape microphone are suitable for recording pipes, and the MK-104 will not let you down while working with a trombone or saxophone.

Who is your favorite musician in LO-FI? Do you often listen to such music? Share your answers in the comments.