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📌 EDITS-15: несимметричный > asymmetrical, unbalanced, uneven > skewed

Довольно неочевидное переводческое решение, т.к. видя производное от «симметрии/баланса» в оригинале русскоязычный переводчик обычно тоже подбирает что-то рядом с symmetry/balance. Аналогично и с чем-то неравномерным - первым на ум приходит uneven. Попробовал подобрать примеры, где skewed несет смысл асимметрии/разбаланса/неравномерности. Также есть еще хороший синоним — biased.

Стоит отметить, что skewed в контекстах на тему статистики (skewed distribution, skewed data) - это именно термин, т.е. его заменять на синонимичный нельзя. Из этих соображений я старался избегать примеров с distribution и data, т. к. там смысл именно статистический.



Outbound traffic was SKEWED TOWARD the AS 5400 connection, though, and there was clear evidence of severe asymmetric routing, with traffic to the United States outbound on the AS 5400 path but return traffic inbound on the AS 2516 path.

• This can lead to a very SKEWED perspective on what works and what doesn't (survivor bias).

• The splitting policy of a TSBT can be SKEWED to favor different objectives.

• If the code you're testing does little or no I/O, the figures you should compare are the CPU times; the wall clock figures can be SKEWED if the machine is busy servicing other processes.


This special expertise will serve them well as future leaders in health care as it becomes progressively SKEWED TOWARD caring for older patients.

• This method would be a good example of recruitment bias because the sample you obtain would be SKEWED IN FAVOUR OF users who were highly motivated to answer your questions and liked to read newspapers.

• The carbohydrates in Western diets are heavily SKEWED TOWARD refined grains, and are thus highly obesogenic.

• Serum albumin levels can be SKEWED in patients experiencing urinary loss from nephrotic syndrome or in those receiving IV fluids.

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