Growing popularity of LED screens leads to a large number of misconceptions among potential customers. Some of them are speciallly cultivated by the manufacturers of the other type of advertising equipment, some appear due to a lack of professional information in open sources. Let us cxamine the most common objections, that our managers have to hear.
Myth 1: a LED screen consumes a lot of power
Perhaps, this opinion is formed due to brightness and immensity of LED structures. But it`s fundamentally wrong . On the contrary, LED screens can be confidently called power-saving devices. Power consumption for a small display is several times less, than for neon advertising signage of the same size.
Power consumption of a screen depends on its size and type. For example, an indoor model with LEDs of high brightness, with a large pixel pitch, and having significant sizes, will consumer more kilowatts, than a compact indoor screen with a small pixel pitch.
To prove amply, that LED screen is a cost effective-solution, let `s look at an example. Thus, a standard interior screen of 3X4 m will consume approximately 10 kW/h maximally. What does maximum mean? This power consuption will be, when you display video with clearly white background (white color requires maximum power consumption). In reality, the video has a variety of colors, and an average power consumption is about 3kW/h. Its roughly 1,5 teapots.
Myth 2: LEDs fade quickly and need to be replaced
Those, who want to buy a LED screen, are interested in how long the equipment will operate, how soon it will be necessary to replace LEDs, etc. Indeed, diodes looe brightness as time passes. But this does not happen immediately. The manufacturers note in the characteristics of the service life about 50-100 thousand hours. And this is true. However, you must take into account, that such a long service life is typical for a production of well-known brands. Responsible manufacturers use qualitative components, but their production price is higher. Although, in the end, every spent ruble will pay of due to long-term operation.
Myth 3: LED screens are not suitable for regions with hot and a cold climates
Customers from southern cities and the Arctic Circle are particularly skeptical about buying a LED screen due to concerns, that the equipment will not work at too high or low temperatures. Dispel this myth is very easy - just look at our portfolio. Among the projects implemented, there are many screens installed in the most remote regions. The LED modules, that we use when assembling screens, guarantee successful operation of the equipment at temperatures up to -30°C. There are risks only when the device pauses for a long time. If the screen is turned off for a long time, and the temperature falls below -30°C, there is a danger that it will be difficult to turn on the equipment. To avoid such situations, our specialists install a heating system in the cabinets of the LED screen. Just turn it on after a long break in the screen, and the hardware will start up easily. Another useful advice from our engineers: if the screen will be operated at low temperatures, pay special attention to the power supply. This element is the "weak link" in the system, so you should choose only proven manufacturers and reliable models.
You can buy a LED screen from the manufacturer at an affordable price with a quality guarantee in our company. The website presents detailed information about the characteristics of the screens. By writing to us in the online chat, you will get a detailed calculation of the equipment and useful recommendations for choosing models.