How to do vajrasana
To perform Vajrasana, place the mat or dari on the ground and sit in Dandasana, to sit in Dandasana sit upright and keep both legs parallel to the face with each other and keep the reed bone absolutely straight. Turn your feet inward and push the sole outward. At this time, the position of the body is like an angle of 90 degrees.
After that, bend the knee of the left leg first by moving it back and then bend the right leg backwards and sit easily by opening the paws and ankles. During this, both the knees remained together and put both hands on the knee. After sitting in this posture, keep the mind as calm as possible and keep yourself free for some time. Keep breathing normal. And focus your attention on the breath and close the eyes.
How to get out of vajrasana
Usually while doing the asana, you come out of the posture directly due to lack of information. You should not do this. You may face many physical problems by doing this, just as there are rules to enter the posture, in the same way, to return from the posture There are some rules too. After the practice of Vajrasana, slowly open the eyes first, then straighten the left leg, then straighten the right leg and come back to Dandasana. As long as you are sitting in Vajrasana, half the time of sitting in Dandasana and sitting both in the position of Dandasana, lightly move both legs in such a way that the thighs touch the ground, then rotate the toes lightly to the right and then out of the posture. Come. These asanas are performed even after having food and enter Vajrasana through Dandasana Do not practice Vajrasana directly by watching pictures or videos.