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Adam Movies

Good Burger (1997)

I know Good Burger is bad but I laughed with or at it quite a bit. Based on the sketch of the same name from the Nickelodeon series All That, Good Burger employees Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dexter (Kenan Thompson) learn the restaurant might have to close its doors. Rival Mondo Burger, with its giant meat patties, is opening a new location across the street. It’s up to our two mismatched heroes to save the restaurant from the evil corporation that would have them out of a job.

Actors Thompsons and Mitchell are delightfully goofy and give their roles their all. Ed stupidly misunderstands dialogue, goes about things the wrong way or nearly kills himself while being blissfully unaware that he is doing so. Dexter is fun because he plays off Ed so well. He’s the straight, but kinda mean guy to counterbalance our loveable village idiot. The peanut butter to our jam if you will. If it wasn’t for them, this movie would be a chore to watch, but they ad-lib fairly well and form a solid comedic duo.

The plot barely makes any sense, the characters are cartoonish, and the humor is juvenile. Somehow, the comedy still manages to work. When it isn’t genuinely good, it gets so bad it comes right back around to being funny because you know the people on-set had to be wondering what kind of madhouse they had gotten themselves into. It’s a movie where actions don’t really have any consequences besides the most obvious ones and EVERYONE has to be a complete idiot for the plot to work out the way it does. This movie includes escapees from a mental hospital, dogs that refuse to eat meat, and exploding hamburgers as crucial plot points, bi-products of what must've been a night-long binge of coffee and rejected pages until someone just said: "I give up!".

If you’re under the age of 12, I’m certain you'll find this movie harmless and entertaining. If you’re older, Good Burger will either drive you insane until you begin to think every scene is hilarious or make you question the taste of all of North America’s children. What can I say? Good Burger made me laugh, even though it was often at its expense. If you like bad movies, or you have some fond memories of this movie, I recommend it.
