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15 классических фото со съемок культовых фильмов

Многие кинематографисты очень трепетно относятся к фотографиям, которые делаются на съемочных площадках. В течение семидесяти лет фотожурналисты культового агентства «Магнум» наблюдали мир кино «по ту сторону». Начиная с момента, когда основатель Роберт Капа сделал первую фотографию Ингрид Бергман на съемках фильма «Дурная слава» (1946) Хичкока.

Недавно вышел документальный фильм о знаковых фотографиях «Магнума» — «Cinema Through the Eye of Magnum». Он был показан всего один раз на Кинофестивале Теллурида, и в русском переводе пока отсутствует (и вряд ли появится).

Я собрал для вас подборку фотографий из этого фильма, в том числе уже известные вам классические фотографии Мэрилин Монро, Джеймса Дина и Тарковского.

USA. Hollywood, California. May 1946. Ingrid BERGMAN and Alfred HITCHCOCK. The Director Alfred HITCHCOCK supervising the close up frame of the cameraman directed on the hand of Ingrid Bergman (which was holding a hidden key to a wine cellar)) during the filming of NOTORIOUS.


CHINA. Suzhou. 1995. Making of the film «Temptress Moon» directed by Chen KAIGE, Actess Gong LI.


Christophe Batti /Picto


Russian film director Andreï TARKOVSKY.


USA. Nevada. US actress Marilyn MONROE on the Nevada desert going over her lines for a difficult scene she is about to play with Clarke GABLE in the film «The Misfits» by John HUSTON. 1960.


USA. Illinois. Chicago. A washroom in the Chicago Airport, US actress Marilyn MONROE waits for a plane to Champaign, Illinois, where she was to attend the centenary celebrations of the town of Bement. 1955.


USA. New York. 1954. Marlon BRANDO during the filming of «On the Waterfront.»


USA. Reno, Nevada. 1960. Film set of «The Misfits» by John HUSTON, with US actors Marilyn MONROE, Clark GABLE, Montgomery CLIFT and Eli WALLACH and writer Arthur MILLER.


USA. New York City. 1955. James DEAN haunted Times Square. For a novice actor in the fifties this was the place to go. The Actors Studio, directed by Lee STRASBERG, was in its heyday and just a block away.


USA. Fairmount, Indiana. 1955. James DEAN in the driveway to the farm owned by his uncle, Marcus Winslow.


SPAIN. Sagaro. 1959. Twenty-five-year-old Elizabeth TAYLOR on the set of «Suddenly Last Summer», in which she co-stars with Katharine Hepburn and Montgomery Clift. It is Taylor’s first film after the death of her 3rd husband, Mike Todd, in a plane crash. Just months after Todd’s death, Taylor married Eddie Fisher and found herself at the center of a scandal. It was a place that would become familar for her, though never comfortable, for the next 30 years.


USA. California. 1968. Italian film director Michelangelo ANTONIONI during the making of «Zabriskie Point.»


FRANCE. Paris. In a dry-cleaner, on the set of the film «Le Passe» by Iranian Director Asghar FARHADI who directs actress Berenice BEJO.