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Donuts from my childhood. Sugar, vanilla donuts

An unforgettable taste-doughnuts, as in childhood, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Soft, lush, melting in the mouth: eating them is a real pleasure. Now you can find a lot of options for donuts, but those native ones from the Soviet times are still impossible to forget. The dough of doughnuts on yeast at home turns out to be extremely light and fluffy


butter — 25 grams;

flour-500 grams;

water — 300 grams;

sugar-50 grams;

pressed yeast — 15 grams;

egg — 1 piece;

salt-0.5-0.7 teaspoons;

refined vegetable oil-300-400 grams;

powdered sugar-2-3 tablespoons.

A real recipe for sugar doughnuts. Step-by-step recipe

In 100 grams of warm water, dilute the yeast. For this recipe, this amount of pressed yeast can be replaced with 4-5 grams of dry yeast.

Add approximately 0.5 tablespoons of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of sifted flour. The dough should look like a pancake batter. If you will form lumps, nothing to worry about: they are in the process of fermentation going. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place to stand for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the yeast is activated, the dough will rise with a foam cap.

In the remaining water, dissolve the remaining sugar and salt, pour the mixture into the dough, add a slightly beaten egg, stir until smooth.

In small portions, add the remaining sifted flour and stir until smooth. You will get a soft, sticky dough (as in the video).

Add a little warm melted butter and knead. In this version of the recipe is vegetable oil, so you can safely use it, but I want to say that with butter it turns out much tastier.

Spread the yeast dough on a dry work surface without flour and knead it for about 5-7 minutes, without adding flour. Personally, I mix the dough in a bowl, pushing the hand from the bottom and pulling up. And you can do as you like.

When the dough begins to lag behind your hands, you need to round it, put it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil (you will be more convenient to round it if you moisten clean, dry hands with vegetable oil before doing this).

Cover the dough with a linen towel or film and send it to a warm place to approach for 60-90 minutes. During this time, the dough will increase by 2 times.

If you have enough time, then you need to knead the dough that came up and leave it to come up again, covering it with a film. If there is no time, then you can start cooking after a single lift (without crushing in this case).

Grease the work surface with sunflower oil, transfer the dough to it, separating small pieces for donuts. To do this, moisten your hands with sunflower oil and tear off approximately identical pieces of dough, the size of a nut or a small egg, carefully giving them the shape of a ball. At the same time, try not to mash the dough too much, leaving the gas accumulated during fermentation.

Spread the balls on the table, leaving a distance of 3-4 centimeters between them, lightly lubricate the film with vegetable oil, cover the balls with it. Leave for 20-25 minutes to fit.

After a while, we make a hole in each ball with our fingers (we must lubricate our hands with vegetable oil before this). The hole is needed to make doughnuts well fried. I recommend that you first make holes in all the blanks, and only then proceed to roasting

In a frying pan, heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, approximately 2 — 2.5 centimeters thick. Throw the doughnuts in the already heated oil.

Donuts fried in oil are brought to a Golden color on each side. Keep an eye on the oil level in the pan, top up if necessary.

The fried doughnuts are transferred first to a paper towel, which will absorb the excess fat. Then transfer to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Yeast doughnuts are ready! They turned out to be soft, airy, such as we remember from childhood. This classic is not forgotten even after a year!