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Features of own sales offices

In the practice of tourist organizations two directions of forming sales channels are distinguished: external (foreign) and domestic channels.

Domestic channels are usually a system of branches, offices and intermediary organizations (agencies) through which various tourism services are sold within the territory of the country itself (regardless of whether they are sold to nationals or foreigners within the territory of the country).

External channels of distribution are a certain number of foreign tourism intermediary firms (tour operators, travel agents) that have undertaken, under the contract, to sell in their own country tourist trips to that country.

The marketing strategy implies a comprehensive use of both internal and external sales channels. However, their role may be assessed differently depending on the nature of services produced. If a tourism organization specializes in the sale of integrated services (including or packaged tours), its sales staff should be mainly focused on foreign intermediaries. It is possible to open own agencies and representative offices in foreign countries, as it is done by such giants of tourism business as Ameriken Express or Thomas Cook. But the creation of its own network of travel agencies in other countries is associated with high foreign exchange costs and can only be done by large companies. It is much more profitable for medium firms to use tourist organizations that have good positions in the local tourist market and have a great experience in such work to sell their services abroad.


Own sales offices are the outlets owned by the tour operator itself, through which the work is carried out directly with the buyers of tours, i.e.: informing them about the tours available for sale; receiving booking requests, concluding a contract for sale, receiving payment, accepting passports for foreign visas, issuing and issuing travel documents (vouchers, travel tickets), handling complaints, etc.

Depending on its financial capabilities and the volume of operations in the market, a tour operator may have several outlets located in different locations. Large tour operators have their own branches selling tours not only in their own cities, but also abroad.

Shopping outlets are usually located on the ground floor of buildings in the busiest parts of the city, in areas that are easily accessible to visitors. A flamboyant signage with the name of the company is installed on the street side. A great advertising role is played by a street showcase, which is decorated with various promotional materials of the company, attracting the attention of passers-by.

The main premise of the point of sale is a trading hall, where work with clients takes place. It should be equipped with a counter or tables for receiving visitors. They are provided with comfortable chairs or armchairs. The salesroom should be functionally convenient for both visitors and employees of the company.

It should be remembered that many customers judge the solidity and reliability of a travel agency by the way it looks like a sales office. Therefore, their creation and design is not a purely technical issue, but plays a large and in many cases decisive role in the advertising and promotion of the tourist product of the company in the consumer market.


In addition to the reception area for clients, the tour operator's sales office should have a number of offices for operational document management, accounting and storage of advertising and information materials. Stages of the personal selling process:

- Informing visitors about available tours through information stands, oral messages, printed information (through handbooks, brochures, catalogues);

- Issuance of any other information related to tourism trips abroad;

- Acceptance of requests from visitors to book a tour in the form established by the company;

- Reception of passports for foreign visas from visitors who have applied for a reservation, checking the validity of these passports;

- acquaintance of the client with the conditions of purchase and sale of the tour, as well as with the "General conditions of tourist trips abroad";

- Receipt of advance payment or full payment of the tour price from the client within the established terms;

- coordination with the client of his insurance for the duration of the trip;

- Issuance of a foreign passport with a foreign visa and necessary tourist documents (voucher, air tickets) to the client, informing him/her about all the details

- travels with a memo about the peculiarities of the trip;

- transfer to the client of urgent information on possible changes in the sold tour (on postponement of departure dates, on change of the program and route, on cancellation of the tour, etc.) and coordination of this issue with him;

- Acceptance of applications for changes from the client (refusal to travel or change the route, etc.) and taking appropriate measures;

- order for tourists at their request, for an additional fee for vehicles to travel to the airport

- Assistance to non-resident tourists in booking a hotel at the point of departure abroad;

- Receipt of complaints from clients.