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About the female essence


Where do happy women come from? Why one all, and other nothing? Why have some in life a host the flow of men, only choose, and the other, with very modest requests raze not can withdraw married?"There are many questions of this kind. But all of them can be summarized in one answer.

A woman is not in the flow, she does not accept her femininity, her nature. She probably didn't know it, didn't know what it was.

As a rule, these are the consequences of generic programs that are passed down from generation to generation. It is important to study them seriously. But now the conversation is about the natural flow. Where does it come from and where to get it?

The most important thing in a woman is her inner state. You can be able to cook, be smart and dress tastefully, but if we do not know how to create a state of flow inside, we will not become a real Woman, and therefore will not be able to attract the man you love into your life. And men are always attracted to this flow, they love this state in a woman because it is a resource.

This is the state that she creates with her energy, with her presence. Such a woman can inspire a man to feats, but can also kill all aspirations in him. With such a woman just want to be there, to plunge into the rays of her light and tenderness. But this force, which it is important to learn to manage.

The state of flow is the most harmonious state of a woman. When everything happens by itself, one has only to dream.

When you do what you can and the rest lines up like magic. "Random people," random encounters, "random thoughts-guesses."

And inside a state of bliss and complete trust. An ocean of calm. When you are in the flow - it is a special state. I love myself when I can achieve this state. I like it.

He has so much strength and power. This is not positive, and not negative, it is not joy and sadness. These are States of conscious being. I am. When you know what's coming. States of female power, merging with nature, feeling at the same time his power and a small part of something big, holistic and meaningful.

Where does this flow come from? And if each of us has it, how does it start? Where were his keys?

If there is a problem, then there is a solution, if there is a door where I want to enter, then there is a key.


So, the key number 1.

This communion with nature leads to such a state. It is nature that gives us access to the energy that we lack in bustling cities. Vanity is abhorrent to the female condition, it exhausts.

A simple walk in the woods among the ancient trees, on the beach, the water always calms the restless female mind, all this inspires us, gives a sense of lightness and fullness.

Problems go somewhere or unexpected solutions come, the face relaxes, the back straightens.

And further, it is important, what to do with this domestic completeness. Where to direct it.

To do this, there is a key number 2.

This key teaches us to give, to share our wealth. When we give, we are filled. If this state of flow is correct, then there is a natural need to share, and with the whole world.

Then you are looking for an opportunity to do something good, to give gifts, to say nice words, to understand and forgive. You start to catch yourself thinking that you're smiling at everyone, the cashier in the store, a passing child, a running cat. And suddenly, oh, a miracle!

You suddenly open the door in the store, give way to transport, and in General, smile back. This is awesome!

Give more than you get and expect nothing in return. Pay the world with kindness in advance. To be the first link in a big change. The cashier will not come home so tired, and the mother of a passing child, remembering your smile, will think before scolding him for what.

And so the flow is started, which comes back to you a hundredfold.

It's not hard for me. I share from the inner abundance of love, peace, goodness, light. Now I'm full of it, so I give, and in return comes even more.

Many times more. And I'm back in the flow, but it's much stronger.

But this state, despite its magical appeal, can not be permanent, as well as a woman's mood. What to do?

To do this, there is a key number 3.

This is a state of trust. You have to trust yourself, let yourself be what you want to be because it's all me.

Not reject nor what natural, that there is in itself. To be sad when you want, to be angry, even to grumble, sometimes even to break the dishes. Why not?!))

The main thing is not to get involved. Abstract from emotions and try to look at it from the side, as a kind of fun or game. And home to explain to mom now plays Spitfire or sadness. She will play and come back again loving, tender and filled. Allow yourself the luxury of playing.

When we learn to trust ourselves, we learn to trust God. In the Vedas, it is said that the Lord fulfilled everyone's desire. But this does not happen when we think it should be, but at the best and most appropriate moment for us.

Some desires we block ourselves with our fears, and we do not even notice it. We do not notice how actively striving for our desires, we dictate our rhythm to the wise Mother Nature.

Then the brain turns on, not the strongest female side. There is already a "Woe from wit".

This is where flow is most important. When everything happens by itself-the right man comes, the child's soul comes, healthy and harmonious. The state of flow is the basis of a happy life for any woman, this is our nature.

Then our most cherished dreams come true. We become peaceful and desirable. Through the flow, we can establish any relationship, in the family, at work, just with the outside world, and with itself.

Woman is a river. And so the state of flow-it is truly feminine. Sometimes it is quiet and calm, sometimes rapids and rough, but it is still a stream that has a certain direction.

Female flow is a state of inner strength, calm and confident. Not needing quarrels and evidence.

Guided by the Supreme loving force, it is directed to the benefit of all living beings.

Our task is just not to interfere with the natural flow to be in us. Do not cover it with false fears, social standards, multi-level brainstorming, which will never lead to anything good.