Work instructions for the staff. First of all, it is about cleaning the room, product and equipment inspection and disinfection of surfaces. One of my cooks tried to "sneak around", arguing that "everything is clean" and "he hasn't worked here today. I prescheduled a schedule and plan for the daily/weekly cleaning and at the end of the day pointed to items he had forgotten to follow. In general, it should be made clear to the staff that you will be monitoring the cleanliness of the site in person and, in case of that, you will be pointing out the requirements that have been prescripted and signed by the employee. Checks and false checks. Very often I hear from beginners that as soon as they are opened, they start to receive calls from organizations that appear to be Rospotrebnadzor, Consumer Protection Society and others with sounding names. They threaten to come in with a checkup and demand that you have one or any other package of documents, consumer's corner, etc.; otherwise, they threaten to close the place down or start a criminal case. The purpose of these calls is the same scare you over the phone as much as possible, and then sell the service of preparing these of documents or pseudo-licenses.
Boxes and identity. I recommend that you do not print anything on the boxes in the first pair months of work. There's a good chance that in a couple of weeks you'll want change the logo / its color or reformulate the message on the boxes. For the first time order 100 - 200 boxes and buy more as needed. Our city has its own corrugated packaging manufacturers, so we just we buy 50 to 100 boxes a couple of days before the stock runs out.
Online cash desk and Internet. To receive orders I bought a "beautiful" telephone a number that's easy to remember. The tariff included a large number of minutes and Internet (about 600 minutes of talk and 20 GB of traffic). From an inexpensive smartphone I distribute the Internet to my work laptop and online cash register. Yes, many cash register models support this feature, so buy a separate and it doesn't make sense to pay for it every month. In a month we spend about 18 GB of traffic. If this volume is not enough, you can exchange minutes for extra gigabytes.
Payment for orders on the site. Here are a few questions that you should to answer for myself, and here's the thing. Firstly, on the one hand, the payment for site - it's a universal practice of delivery, with the other - a person is wasting time and nerves, making a payment on the site, as many services do so inconvenient a payment system that sometimes the user just goes to the competitors. Secondly, if the kitchen suddenly fails to cope with orders and you can not give order on time, it is much easier and faster to call the client and solve this a problem than to return money through all the payment services. Thirdly, in the first place you can do without the time at the online cash register.
Flyers. There are some companies that reduce the cost of printing by that they're picking up multiple orders under one seal. Compared to a conventional order this one takes longer, but at the same time it will cost you about 30%. cheaper. For example, we had to print parking flyers (1000 grand) on heavy paper in full color on both sides. Almost everywhere the price of 3000 rubles was called. In this company we paid 2000 (1920 rubles, to be exact) for the same service. Therefore, we advise you to browse the Internet and look for such offers.
The signs on the door. You can also order printed plates for the door or the entrance. For example, a colored tablet in A3 format on plastic cost us 220 rubles. Underneath with a sign, we put a little office holder for the flyers
(Euro flyers) and now we regularly fill it up with our menus. In general, a small an ad that works pretty well.