Everyone has shortcomings, but this is not a reason to put up with them. It's time to deal with women's annoying habits, quite innocent at first glance.
Strangle your partner with your attention
Caring and the desire to constantly be in touch - it's great, but you need to know the measure. It is not necessary to write or call every five minutes, and then take offense that the interlocutor does not answer. Choose the right time for each conversation, unless it's something urgent.
Wrong use of one's time
There are usually two options. Or the woman digs to victory, as a result, every time you have to postpone leaving the house and wait, wait, wait, or going much in advance, shoves the gentleman, and in the end it turns out that it was possible not to hurry.
Tip one: determine empirically how much time you really need to pack, and act taking into account the received data. They say this method works. This also applies to Dating: if a woman came before the appointed time, the man's fault is not here.
Don't warn us of your plans
You know, the secretarial game. Tough boss has no time to make appointments, his schedule is monitored by a personal assistant. Only we have a different situation here. All plans of joint pastime it is better to coordinate with the second half. It is clear that you want to take a guy or husband to gather with parents, but tell him about it in advance, not at the last moment.
To come up with dubious holidays
Wedding anniversary-first date anniversary, of course-was a stretch, but okay. The anniversary of the first time we held hands on a walk in the Park — uh, what? Should we celebrate?
Short course of applied brain science: every man in the bowels of memory has a compartment where the main important dates are stored. Very small compartment for very important dates. The rest will not fit there physically.
Always doubting everything
Take the same clothes. No, there's no need to go to extremes and make do with a t-shirt and jeans all your life, leave it to us. Just try to stick to the original plan, and not rush every morning from one option to another, choosing what to wear. If you apply this principle to any situation where you have to make a choice, life will be much easier.
Play a guessing game
Why am I angry? What do you think?" nothing, obviously, that's why I'm asking. This isn't Fort Boyard, and you're not old Fura. If you want to have a constructive conversation, tell me what the problem is.
Keep the lights on
Electricity doesn't grow on trees, you know. There is no need to arrange a full illumination throughout the apartment, if you sit in the same room, and leave the TV on if you are not watching it right now.
However, it's not even about the electricity bills. Ironed in the morning-immediately turn off the iron, then not to guess at work, burned down the house or not yet.
Apart from infidelity, constant spying on a man is perhaps the most compelling reason for separation. Suspicion is also, in a sense, treachery.
To read our correspondence, to warm ears during telephone conversations or, what is more whiplash, naturally to walk behind us, trying to convict of infidelity-such practices kill any respect and trust. On the continuation of relations and speech can not be.
Overly worried about excess weight
First, the scale of the tragedy is usually greatly exaggerated. Second, we don't care how much you weigh, it's not for that. 55, 60 or even 65 kilograms-we do not care. So do not spoil your life with empty torments.
Leave hair in the shower drain
I know you're tired of hearing us complain about this. So what's the problem? Washed-removed, a second thing. And with comb hair, too, well was would sometimes clean up.
Trying to change us
In relationships, people are already changing-acquire new interests, make new habits and all the like. Only there is an essential difference between voluntary changes and attempts to break the partner through a knee, achieving the behavior necessary to you. Batman, too, broke through knee was, but from "Pits" he would still fleeing.
Digging into the past
Treat it as you like, but the fact remains: most likely, you are not the first woman to whom your chosen one has warm feelings. Before you, he probably hugged, kissed and called someone else a seal. Now what?
It is not necessarily time after time to make the partner's brain, remembering the girls with whom he managed to contact. The past is the past.
Do you think we really need to know how your colleague's friend's sister is doing with her new Beau? We've never seen or are unlikely to see these people, so I don't care what happens to them. Gossip is an extremely vile business. This is worth considering for both sexes.
To flirt without measure
Attention of the opposite sex is a pleasant thing. Only there is a risk that your behavior will be regarded not as friendliness, but will be taken for an attempt to drive up with all the ensuing consequences. And in General, to flirt recklessly with all in a row is not very respectful towards your regular partner.
Neglect your partner's personal space
It's not about the jars, which forced all the free space in the bathroom — if you really need them, then health. I'm talking about freedom: let us spend an evening with friends, half a day stuck in an online game, and all that.
A couple is two people, each of whom can have his own idea of a good leisure. This is normal.
Pay too much attention to your appearance
"Don't look at me, I'm not wearing makeup." What's so terrible about that? Modern standards of beauty are as far from reality as Neptune is from the Sun, but some women still try to get closer to the ideal, harassing themselves and their Cavaliers. In vain, because they do not love for smooth hands and fresh manicure.
This can also be attributed to the intentional attribution of certain shortcomings. Say, a fat girl, and her legs are not long.
It is assumed, apparently, that the interlocutor will rush to deny all this, showering the beauty with compliments. In fact, this behavior looks at least strange and signals serious problems with self-esteem.
Take it personally
One has only to say that some colleague/friend/aunt on the TV screen lost a lot of weight, as the doomsday begins. "Well, go to her, since you like her so much" - a summary of the usual conversation in such cases.
People happen to have eyes. And with these eyes they see. Sometimes they talk about what they see. What does this have to do with you and your appearance? What.
If someone is deliberately trying to hurt you in this way-he is an idiot. In all other cases, do not consider everything said a reproach in your direction.
Trying to manipulate others with tears
Female habits: manipulation with tears
The idea to achieve the desired, pitiful man sobs, good only in theory. It may work at first, but when tantrums become a habit, there is no trace of pity.
No need to arrange a one-man show for no reason. Once again, if you want to achieve something from us, just say so.
To sort things out without a reason
It is not necessary to play a homegrown psychologist and try to pull out of a man a confession of what he loves you for, what he does not like in your relationship. If will tell honestly, great the likelihood, that the answer you not like. Lie — well, why ask?
In General, the best way to ruin any relationship is to pay too much attention to it.
"I'm a girl"
Habits of women that really infuriate
Obviously, this phrase is a universal excuse for all occasions, even if the girl is under thirty. Does it work? Nuh-uh.
Though a girl, though a boy-first of all, you are an adult, able to make decisions and be responsible for their actions. To behave otherwise is simply dishonorable.
And about men's habits that bring women to white heat, you can learn from this article.
Share in the comments your opinion about what women's habits spoil the lives of both sexes.