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Musical modernism of the 20th century


Modernism is one of the largest trends of the twentieth century. Its main feature is the rejection of the previously established aesthetic norms and traditions inherent in classical art. The evolution of modernism is complex and contradictory. Initially, this trend was identified with the names of such composers as M. Ravel, K. Debussy, R. Strauss. This happened at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, with the development of new trends, with the formation of avant-garde, the composers of this movement denied the involvement of these and some other representatives of musical art in modernism.

In general, modernism is a very controversial term, as it is difficult to interpret. Although it has not been abandoned, attempts to explain and clarify it have not stopped.

Musical modernism is a very interesting period in the history of music, which gave rise to a multitude of styles and interesting composers who had a bright individuality and an original artistic language. All of them were experimenters.

Features of the modernist era.

Modern in translation from French (modern) means "modern", "new". Modernism emerged in European and American art at the turn of the century - the nineteenth and twentieth. Traditions of modernity are based on the opposition to the traditions of previous trends and directions: ancient, Renaissance, classicist, etc.

Art Noumea has its own characteristics: gravitation to the "images of the hybrid": sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, etc. With their help, the authors manage to convey dreams of an unattainable, beautiful future and express hostility to the real world around them.

Another distinctive feature of art Noumea - the use of images of nature, and not harmonious, but terrifying, gloomy, the trend towards the symbolism of the elements, preferably water, unscrupulous symbolism and metaphor.

At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries in literature and art, where melodramatic subjects prevailed, there was another new direction - symbolism. He appeared in Western Europe and took root on Russian soil. Symbolism created works that are far from reality, detached from reality. Musical symbolism was characterized by a cosmic, unearthly beginning.

The main trend in the work of symbolism was worship of Beauty. Representatives of this trend gravitated towards refinement, non-standard images, expressiveness in the artistic language. Adherents of classical aesthetics criticized the fact that they refused to live the truth and distorted the truth. But the symbolism considered a realistic approach to life and creativity is limited.

Symbolism proclaimed "liberation of literature and art from the hustle and bustle of life, politics and civil duty. Creativity symbolism at the same time and irritated, and attracted readers. For example, in the work of Belmont (1867 - 1942) combined manners, pretentiousness, but at the same time amazing musicality. His lines of exaltation and literary twists and turns got along with a special intonation of expressiveness. He was able to subtly convey the subtle, fleeting states of the human soul. Mystical images, secret, understandable only to devoted people, esoteric symbols allowed the poet to isolate himself from irritating reality. Something similar could be found in music.

In the first place the symbolism had a personality, its searches, and mankind, the people - just a background on which an individual can express himself. According to some researchers, it is symbolism was a Russian art Noumea.

In the symbolism was a lot of different shades. For example, decadence, born under the impression of revolutionary upheavals in Russia. A lot of creative people plunged into despair. The gloomy pessimistic mood, foreboding of historical catastrophe in the country permeated poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, in music, journalism and cinematography.

The trend in literature and art, which was characterized by rejection of life, distrust in it, anticipation of the approaching chaos, the end of the world, denial of the generally accepted rules and admiration of vices, was called "decadence" (from the French decadence).

In the artistic representation of being, decadents are characterized by the rise of creative thought and fantasy, fruitful and innovative quests in the field of form, the protest against the world order of the time and the fight against stagnation, vulgarity in life and art.

So, as you can see, the soil on which the art Noumea matured, was really rich and original. Given the characteristics of each of the characterized directions, we can highlight the following distinctive features of art Noumea:

1) experiment;
2) inconsistency (from hopelessness to general joy);
3) gravitation to symbols and images;
4) the philosophy of God seeking;
5) the author's performance as a prophet;
6) stylization;
7) creation of a new world, a new art;
8) deviation from reality.

The main directions in the music of modernism.

Musical modernism is characterized by the search for its representatives in a particular area - rhythm, melody, sound, harmony, etc. This is a common feature of all periods of modernism in music, in which several periods are distinguished. The first period is the formation of musical modernism. At this stage of modernism there were still strong traditions of the recently passed romanticism.

The music was created for the refined aristocratic public, who liked the works in the spirit of aesthetics and symbolism. At the same time, it is necessary to note such a feature as a mixture of styles, that is, eclecticism. It is noteworthy that the music of Western Europe developed under the influence of the national traditions of other countries - Asian, Slavic, as well as the United States.