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Early childhood (Part 2)
A special characteristic of thinking in early childhood is syncretized - indistinctness - when solving a problem, the child does not accentuate individual parameters, but perceives the situation as an integral figure. Thus, the adult separates from the situation and analyzes individual details, from which the child then highlights the main and insignificant ones. Visually shaped thinking is formed by the age of three and is the main one up to six years. Its formation is conditioned by the formation...
5 лет назад
Early childhood (Part 1)
During childhood there is a very intensive mental and physical development. Early childhood is a particularly important and critical period of development. Isolation from other people's society, or any other disorder, can lead to irreparable mental disorders. The period of the childhood proceeds about one tenth of a human life and from children's character it is possible to define what character there will be in the period of the carried out person. From a year to three years a child has all the milk teeth, he quickly grows and gains weight...
5 лет назад
Ancient Indian culture
The culture of Ancient India is famous for its exceptional originality. The originality of ancient Indian culture was formed against the background of a large number of religions, as well as philosophical teachings. It is no coincidence that G. Hesse considered India a "religious phenomenon", a "religious genius". Religious and philosophical thought of Ancient India already in those days allowed to consider this country a symbol of wisdom. But not only because of the abundance of religions and philosophies, India gained a similar reputation...
5 лет назад
Philosophy of Ancient Rome (Part 1)
Roman philosophy was influenced by the Hellenistic culture, which expanded its borders and went beyond its borders. In ancient Rome, various philosophical schools, especially the Epicurean school, quickly became popular, and their traditions continued fruitfully here. One of the significant stimuli for the development of philosophy in Ancient Rome was the visit of a delegation of ancient Greek philosophers in 155 BC. Thus, such currents as stoicism, skepticism and epicure ism, which became especially widespread, began to function and progress here...
5 лет назад
Philosophy of Ancient Rome (Part 2)
Another major skeptical philosopher is Sextus Empiric. He spent a lot of intellectual effort criticizing dogmatism. The only reasonable basis he considered skepticism, which surprisingly combined statement and denial. In his opinion, no man can have any knowledge, because the essence of any thing is a mystery, and it is closed from any living creature on earth. As a matter of fact, these are not things at all, but only their appearance. The Sextus Empiric acknowledges the ability of man to think,...
5 лет назад
Offshore zones
The issue of security and freedom of capital will always be relevant. As the solution to this issue will lead to maximum efficiency in the distribution of funds around the world. Offshore zones contribute to the solution of this issue in part. They are a kind of harbors for free trade, as in their time, the Venetian merchants used the nearby islets to make profitable deals. Offshore companies will always be interested in their variety of goods and services. They will be especially in demand when conflicts and restrictions arise between large economically developed countries...
5 лет назад
Musical modernism of the 20th century
Modernism is one of the largest trends of the twentieth century. Its main feature is the rejection of the previously established aesthetic norms and traditions inherent in classical art. The evolution of modernism is complex and contradictory. Initially, this trend was identified with the names of such composers as M. Ravel, K. Debussy, R. Strauss. This happened at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, with the development of new trends, with the formation of avant-garde, the composers...
5 лет назад
Der Barock entstand im frühen 16. Jahrhundert in Italien als natürliche Erweiterung des vorherigen Stils - der Renaissance. Die Etymologie des Begriffs Barocke ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Als ein Wort italienischer Herkunft bedeutet es im Russischen "seltsam", "anspruchsvoll". In verschiedenen Formen der barocken Kunstform verändert sie auf einzigartige Weise die kulturelle und moralische Atmosphäre der Renaissance. Während des Barock wurde Rom zum Zentrum der italienischen Kunst im Allgemeinen und der katholischen Kunst im Besonderen...
5 лет назад
The concept of being
For the disclosure of the content of the philosophical category "Being", a number of provisions can be highlighted: The world around us, objects, phenomena really exist; they (the world around us) do; The surrounding world evolves, has an inner cause, a source of movement within it; Nature, society, man, thoughts, ideas exist equally; they differ in the ways and forms of their existence, and they form, above all because of their existence, the whole unity of the infinite and permanent world, i.e...
5 лет назад
The Concept of Substance and Being
Substance (Latin substantial is an essence, something that underlies it), objective reality viewed from the side of its inner unity; matter in the aspect of the unity of all forms of its movement; the limiting foundation that allows the sensual variety and variability of properties to be reduced to something constant, relatively stable and independent. According to the general orientation of a certain philosophical concept, a distinction is made between a substance (monism), two substances (dualism) or a solid substance (pluralism)...
5 лет назад
The search for answers to many of the unresolved information and governance issues still under discussion makes it imperative to examine Norbert Wiener's creative legacy more closely. The founder of cybernetics has a number of works dealing with the questions of philosophy and methodology of science, the role of scientific knowledge in society, the problem of the universe, the analysis of the possible consequences of the scientific and technological revolution, and the ethics of the scientist. Wiener's...
5 лет назад
Influence of social and constitutional factors on the course of the disease
Traumatised people think that the world is full of danger and must always be on guard. This faith can have a profound impact on everything people experience. Deep beliefs play a central role and influence the organization of almost all experiences. Some deep beliefs limit what can be experienced. It is known that each age group has its own register of the severity of disease - a specific distribution of disease according to social and psychological significance and severity. For children, adolescents...
5 лет назад