Pedagogically, it is always more profitable to rely on the positive interests of students (cognitive, aesthetic, love of nature, animals, etc.), with which it is possible to solve many problems of labor, moral and aesthetic education. The principle of positive support is connected with the choice of the leading link in the educational process. Finding this link in each specific case is the task of the tutor.
The reliance on the positive aspect has one more aspect which can be designated as creation of a positive educational background. This includes the life activity of pupils and the style of educational relations, and even the “spirit” (expressed by K.D. Shiny) of educational institutions. Quiet, business environment, where everyone is busy with their own business, no one interferes with each other, where the high organization of work and leisure promotes a cheerful, confident movement forward, where the walls are brought up, because all the trifles of the interior are thought out, where there is a sense of coherence and caring attitude to each other, can not but have a favorable impact.
Humanization of education.
The principle of reliance on the positive is closely linked, almost merging with it, to another important principle — humanization. It requires: 1) humane attitude to the personality of the pupil; 2) respect for his rights and freedoms; 3) presentation of feasible and reasonably formulated requirements to the pupil; 4) respect for the position of the pupil even when he refuses to comply with the requirements; 5) respect for the right of the pupil to be himself; 6) bringing to the consciousness of the pupil the specific goals of his upbringing; 7) non-violent formation of the required qualities; 8) rejection of corporal and other degrading honor and dignity of the personality of punishment; 9) recognition of the right of the pupil to complete rejection of the form of punishment.
The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Seeing the children as independent, not slave-like, people, the educator should not abuse the power of the stronger, stand over the children, but fight for a better future with them.
Personal approach.
All pedagogical guidelines emphasize two principles: age-appropriate and individualized education. Psychological and pedagogical research in recent decades has shown that it is not so much the educator's knowledge of age and individual characteristics that is of paramount importance, but rather the consideration of the personal characteristics and capabilities of pupils. The personal approach is understood as relying on personal qualities. The latter express very important characteristics for upbringing, such as the personality's orientation, value orientations, life plans, formed attitudes, and dominant motives of activity and behavior. Neither the age taken separately nor individual features of the individual (character, temperament, will, etc.), considered in isolation from these leading qualities, do not provide sufficient grounds for high-quality personalized education. Value orientations, life plans, personality orientation are undoubtedly connected with age and individual features. But only the priority of the main personal characteristics leads to the correct consideration of these qualities.
The principle of personal approach in education requires that the educator: 1) constantly studied and knew well the individual features of temperament, character traits, views, tastes, habits of his pupils; 2) was able to diagnose and knew the real level of the formed TM of such important personal qualities as way of thinking, motives, interests, attitudes, personality orientation, attitude to life, work, value orientations, life plans, etc.; 3) constantly attracted every pupil to the feasible for him and becoming more complicated in the difficulty of educational activity, providing progressive development personally.