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Life of Jay Cutler


Jay Cutler is a professional bodybuilder, who was successful at the 4th tournament of his life. Nature generously awarded him the necessary prerequisites, but he managed to develop them thanks to competent training and titanic work in the gym.

Jay Cutler was born in Massachusetts on August 3, 1973. His parents were farmers, so he got used to hard physical work from childhood. His brother worked on the construction site and began to involve Jay in the early stages of his work, so that he was already a teenager who could easily lift a lot of weight.

At school, the strong young man was popular among his classmates. Cutler was fond of football and was thinking of making it his career, but later refused the idea. In 1991 he graduated from school and entered Quinsigamond Community College, where he studied criminal law.


Training and bodybuilding

Jay didn't start his serious training until after he was 18. He became interested in bodybuilding almost by chance: his sister's boyfriend collected sports magazines, and the world of bodybuilders and professionals fascinated Cutler. He came to the gym to be like those guys on the covers, and achieved his goal.

Prior to that, Jay had only had experience with occasional activities. Having decided to take it seriously, he made many typical mistakes for beginners, overloading himself with hours of daily training and exhausting sets of exercises, so that it was not possible to achieve much success in the first year.

After that, Cutler decided to approach the matter more thoroughly not from the physical, but from the mental point of view. He interviewed all the experienced athletes around him, read the specialized literature and made a competent training program, constantly analyzing the successes and failures and listening carefully to his body. This approach quickly proved its effectiveness: at the age of 20, Cutler played at the NPC Iron Bodies Invitational Junior Tournament and became a heavyweight champion.

In 1995, Jay won 1st place among amateurs at Champions Night, where he was advised to think about his professional career. This victory was a turning point in his biography. The judges' praise and his own success inspired Cutler so much that he rushed to California, dreaming of joining the "party" of famous athletes.

However, the society of recognized "stars" of bodybuilding quickly disappointed the young enthusiast. He did not like their lifestyle and training at all, and there was no friendship with anybody, and it was not a question of sharing their secrets. Jay returned home and decided to work independently.

The next 2 years of hard work brought excellent results: Cutler took gold in the U.S. national amateur championship and got a professional card. He plunged even deeper into the lessons, dedicating himself to them all the time and carefully following his diet, without being distracted even by his personal life. At the end of the 90s, Jay found a permanent adviser to work on himself - a famous expert in the field of nutrition and bodybuilding Chris Aceto.

After winning Champions Night in 2000, Cutler still had to move back to California: the local climate was considered favorable for training, and there was an opportunity to earn money on advertising sportswear, food and fitness equipment and appear in specialized media. This time, Jay did not live in Los Angeles, but in the small town of Lake Forest in the south of the state. After the move, the athlete's case went up the hill even faster. He increased the competitive weight from 113 to 120 kg, took prizes in "Olympia" and "Arnold Classic" championship and took the 2nd place in the world ranking of bodybuilders after Ronnie Coleman. Fans called Cutler "the last white hope" of the United States.

Jay's cherished dream was to be named Mr. Olympia, but he couldn't beat Coleman for a long time. The athlete solved his financial problems by signing a permanent contract with Muscle Tech and immersed himself in the classes. The result of the work was the desired victory in 2006. Later, Cutler became the winner of the highest award of the championship three more times, finally moving the former favorite from the pedestal.

Jay Cutler at Jay Cutler's training session

I wanted to pass on my knowledge to someone, and in 2003 Jay took Phil Heath, a young but promising athlete who became the gold medalist of the first amateur tournament in his life, under the guardianship of Jay. For 3 years, Cutler made him a world-famous professional, and 5 years later the student surpassed the teacher, taking away his title of the best bodybuilder on the planet. Cutler was sincerely happy about his coaching victory, despite the fact that he raised his own serious opponent. In his youth, during the years of intensive training, Jay's weight was 125 kg at 176 cm height. Cutler's biceps had a circumference of 57 cm and his shins of 48 cm. He had to eat a lot to keep his weight and muscle mass. The bodybuilder's diet included from 4000 to 6000 kcal per day: the athlete had to cook frequently and carry containers of food with him all the time.