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Methods of manipulation


First of all, manipulations in advertising are based on such a mental process as decision-making. Such is the choice of available alternatives. The peculiarity of this process is that it is always something presented to consciousness that is compared, not something that is beyond it. If the task is to control consciousness, then the person is offered the arguments that are needed is the suggestor, the suggestor.

The photo is taken from open sources.
The photo is taken from open sources.

Let's consider different suggestive approaches.

1. Psychoanalytically oriented approaches

Since the mid XX century the use of mass psychoanalysis in advertising became a basis of the activities of trading companies. Advertising specialists seized on psychoanalysis in an attempt to find more effective means to market their products.

Two major obstacles stood in the way of increasing demand for goods:

  1. as if the complete satisfaction of the population with previous acquisitions;
  2. increasing standardization of products.

It was then that new ideas suggested by psychologists appeared:

  1. promote among the population a sense of discontent with what he has, to win it to more and more new purchases;
  2. turn to the incentives stored in the subconscious of consumers and vigorously exploit them;

The word "unconscious" became the motto and content of a new direction in advertising. Experiments with subthreshold effects were widely conducted. Thus, in one of the foreign cinemas during the demonstration of the film appeared on the screen advertising ice cream. The flashes were very brief, but enough to be noticed. As a result, the sale of ice cream has increased dramatically.

Studies show that advertising using subliminal technologies does not create new needs, but it is effective in decision-making. It may be argued that early psychoanalysis made two important contributions to advertising:

first, the product must be attractive subconsciously;

secondly, the basis of the attractiveness of the product is sexuality in a broad sense.

One of the main motives of advertising was the identification of goods, services with subconscious sexual motives, preferences. Products are often to do with the help of attractive Nude or semi-Nude nature.

Advertising refers extensively to subconscious motives in postpsychoanalytic concepts, such as transactional analysis with its division of personality into three parts -- the inner child, the adult, the parent. A huge number of commercials are constructed from the standpoint of transactional analysis. For example, one of the functions of the inner Child is to have fun. Consequently, recreation and entertainment for adults, gambling successfully advertised with the participation of the"actual child". The connection "the inner part of the personality-the external actual (that is, real) designation" suggests itself. So all popular scenes on TV-advertising and incisions. One of the functions of the inner Parent is to keep order and observe traditions. Daily brush your teeth, for example, a person makes it the parent part of the personality. Therefore, advertising toothpaste, quite understandably, do through showing the relationship of the real parent and child.

Very effective was the recommendation to lay out the goods at eye level; and especially tempting - in a conspicuous isolated place and in large quantities; as they say, in bulk: abundance strongly attracts buyers. Our consciousness is programmed laterally, that is, indirectly, indirectly (lateral-lateral, transverse, horizontal, side, secondary, located in the side).

This mechanism is widely used both in the practice of ideological influence and in the practice of advertising influence. It is called the lateral programming mechanism of the psyche.

Strong imprinting in the memory of "obvious" things is the essence of lateral programming of the psyche. When a person is told with conviction what appears to be a self-evident, unproven fact, he often loses the ability to critically assess the situation. Lateral programming affects human behavior directly, that is, in addition to his consciousness, and therefore the will. The main thing in laterally constructed statements always remains as if from the side and is accepted by people as something obvious. There is a kind of second or double plan in the statements, which is practically not perceived and not realized, it passes the consciousness of man, he is not subject to reflection, while the main topic of conversation man refers subjectively, agreeing or disagreeing with the interlocutor. Lateral programming of the psyche is a method of manipulating the consciousness of another person and it is widely used in advertising.

Part 3: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d63de89d11ba200ad7a3efd/a-hypnotic-approach-5d94f1913f548700acda4bd0