Chemist vs natural athlete. Is there a difference in training
When mentioning chemists (those who use anabolic steroids) Well, what if you think about the students of the Institute of Chemistry and Technology) and natural athletes immediately recalled shots from the film Night Watch:
Since time immemorial, knights calling themselves warriors of light, catch witches and sorcerers, tormenting the human race ... But once on the way of the warriors of light stood the warriors of darkness. And nobody wanted to give in... And the battle started bloody, ruthless... And when the battle reached the sky... Great Hesla saw that the forces were equal... And if not to stop the battle, everyone would die... And he stopped the battle. And the forces of light and the forces of darkness concluded a truce agreement and it was said that from now on good and evil can not be done without consent.
Brrr..... was distracted. You will understand who are the warriors of light and who are the warriors of darkness.In this article I do not agitate anyone for anything, everything is given on the basis of personal experience and purely for familiarization purposes.
Peculiarities of training without using pharmacological support
So, girls and boys (though I don't think girls are thinking about switching to the dark side), I think it's worth learning that most of the cubes and biceps on the covers of fitness magazines, as well as magazines ala Mens health, are made using anabolic steroids and growth hormone. Therefore, we stop believing in Santa Claus and dry muscle mass "inside out".
So far, not a single fu***g... natural rocking has proven its purity by taking hormone tests and putting it on display.Now, after a weighty bream and return to the ground promised, you can also talk about training.Your way, comrade will be thorny and not easy. Natural training will require a lot of knowledge and effort, or a qualified trainer.What do I recommend for natural training? (All recommendations are given on condition that there are no injuries and no restrictions or contraindications).
Use more basic exercises
Push, pull and sit, it's all in the head. Well-sharpened basic exercises will give the maximum anabolic response and stimulation of testosterone production. It is a standard situation when you neglect to sit down, and then complain of stagnation in the press or other power indicators. Do not forget about the technique, it is more important than your pontoons before others.
Periodization of loads
Load types must be changed cyclically. For example, a cycle of 3 weeks: light, medium and heavy. In a light week the exercises are performed with a small weight for a large number of repetitions (15-20), in the middle - in the builder style (4 approaches for 8-12 repetitions) and in the heavy - in the Liferian style (5 approaches for 5 repetitions + warm-up). Periodization will allow you to work through all types of muscle fibers, as well as reduce the likelihood of over-training (the least feeling).
Do not drag out training
A delay of 1.5-2 hours or more means that you either sharpen your lads' legs with boys or that the number of exercises is too high. Training itself causes the release of cortisol, but a large training volume leads to an even greater increase in this stress hormone.
Adhere strictly to training, nutrition and rest
These components are integral. This is very important in the training. You should try to adhere to the training program, gain your own standard BJU and sleep for at least 8 hours.
Forget about 6 training sessions and splitting the training into heaps of muscles
Yeah, I think so. It is better to stimulate each muscle group more than once a week, but with less tension. Ideally it will be 3 trainings per week. And divide into 2-3 large blocks of muscles, for example, the top and bottom of the body. Or perform exercises on all muscle groups at all. But don't do the same exercise every time you train, otherwise it will be routine. I think we should forget about the failed techniques. Because they can lead to overtraining and injuries. Of course, there are pluses and minuses of refusal training. This is a specific type of training and it can be used by experienced athletes in order to periodize.
Do you need a sporting drink, Comrade Straight?
If you are sure that your diet is fully balanced in BJU, you do not need any sports nutrition. Most often this does not happen, so adding protein in the form of concentrate or isolate will not hurt. Moreover, it is quite convenient.
What's the difference between training a chemist?
A chemist is like a sports car with nitrous oxide. Thanks to the power of the engine, you will be able to forgive all the mistakes in gearshifting and driving, well, almost everything.In fact, the training of a loaded athlete is not much different from that of a straight athlete, except that the growth rate of weight and strength is much higher. Shortcomings in the training mode are smoothed out by the pharma, so sometimes you can have a shuffle, and progress will be made, because anabolic steroids in themselves cause an increase in strength and muscle mass. The probability of overtraining is very low. Therefore, the frequency and duration of training can be increased. And we don't have to worry about the level of cortisol