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Positive Psychology

What is Jacobson relaxation?

Hello, dear readers!

What is Jacobson relaxation. In general, relaxation allows you to quickly reach the maximum degree of relaxation. After a busy day, it is one of the most effective methods of recovery. Jacobson's relaxation is distinguished from other relaxations by the fact that it combines muscle tension and relaxation, thus achieving an even stronger effect. A person is in a static state: sitting or standing. That is, it can be performed in the workplace, at home before bedtime and even quietly in public transport. This way, you can arrive home from your rested work. And if you perform this technique in the evening, you will wake up in the morning full of strength and energy.


Jacobson Relaxation is a professional psycho therapeutic relaxation, but it is not difficult to learn it on your own. The author of the technique is the American neurologist Edmund Jacobson (1888 – 1983). The method is widely spread in European countries, in the USA and is now widely spread in Russia. Effectiveness of the method has been proved by clinical experiments. Main purpose of relaxation is to achieve deep relaxation of the body for rapid recovery and release from the effects of stressful conditions. This relaxation is also suitable for performing it with children, especially those who are easily excitable and hyperactive, as well as with children who fall asleep for a long time. Here you need a little game tricks. For example, instead of just clenching their fists, you have to tell the child to imagine that they are clenching oranges, etc. Next, I will give the texts of relaxation. You can read them and learn the exercises right away. You can read them to yourself on a tape recorder. Or you can download the Jacobson relaxation here along with the other seven best relaxation exercises to recharge your batteries. All of them are read by a professional announcer.

The time of relaxation in my collection in the lying position is 8 minutes 36 seconds, in the sitting position — 15 minutes 5 seconds.

Jacobson's relaxation (lying down) (/ - short pause // - medium pause // - long pause) Lie on a flat surface on your back. /Close your eyes. /Breathe freely during all exercises. /Don't hold your breath. /Cover your body with your eyes. /// If you feel clamps, tensions, exhale them. /Exhale now. // Relax completely. // Direct your attention to the toes of your feet.

Take a deep breath and pull the socks out of your legs as you exhale. .. // Record the tension. /// The tension should not cause pain. // Now relax. /// Observe the sensations. //

Now pull your socks hard on yourself. // Secure the voltage. //// I remind you that the voltage should not cause any pain. // Relax your socks completely /// Observe the differences in sensations. /// Make it work ///

Now you have to raise your legs from the floor by 10-20 cm. .. /// If it is very difficult for you to keep your legs so low, raise them higher or hold them as much as you can. /Lift your legs now. /One. .. /two. .. /three. .. /four. .. ///

Now lower your legs. / Enjoy the relaxation that fills your body. //// Concentrate on the differences in sensations, remember them. .. //

Now you will need to raise your pelvis by a few centimeters. / Base your exercise on your heels, elbows, shoulders, neck. / Lift your pelvis now. /. One. .. /two. .. /three. .. /four. .. /five. .. /Release. .. Feel the difference between your feelings before and after the exercise. // Enjoy the relaxation of your legs. //

Now let"s move on to the hands. / You"ll need to clench your fists and fix the voltage. / Clench your fists now. /Relax. What do you feel in your fists? /(Cold? )? Any sensation is acceptable.

Now we"re going to strain the whole arm by pushing the arm into the surface you"re lying on. / So, stretch the straightened right hand, biceps and triceps and press the whole hand into the surface on which you lie.

Now move your attention to the chest department. Lift the chest area, leaning on the elbows and neck, as if a thread from the chest pulls you to the sky. One. .. two. .. three. .. four. .. five. Relax. .. Enjoy a state of relaxation. Now focus on the back of the neck. Lift your head, directing your chin to your chest. .. Shoulders and shoulder blades do not need to be torn off the floor. .. Relax. Concentrate on the difference in sensations before and after the exercise. Now let"s get to the face. Raise your eyebrows and fix the voltage. One. .. two. .. three. .. four. .. five. .. Relax. This exercise helps to relieve tension from the eyes.

Feel the difference in muscle condition before and after the exercise. Now close your eyes tightly and fix the tension One. .. two. .. three. .. four. .. five. .. Relax.

Feel the pleasant relaxation around your eyes. Pay attention to cheekbones. Grasp your teeth to tense your chewing muscles, but not to the point of pain. One. .. two. .. three. .. four. .. five. .. Now relax. .. Now focus on the lips.

Tightly squeeze the lips to tense the muscles. One. .. two. .. three. .. four. .. five. .. Relax. Enjoy the relaxed state of your eye, cheekbone and lip muscles. And now feel the whole body.

You are relaxed. You are absolutely relaxed. Blood flows easily through your relaxed muscles, filling you with energy and joy. If you want to fall asleep, turn off the recording at this point. If you want to stay active, listen to the surrounding sounds.  Take a deep breath. .. Wiggle your fingers. .. Fingers. .. Reach. .. Turn on your side. Relaxation is over.