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Female weakness. Part 2

Very often, a woman is not strong, waiting for a man to protect and help, but does not want to recognize themselves weaker. And this is contrary to the very principle of protection and assistance. You can't look down on someone whose help you're accepting. Either you admit your weakness (not in everything, but in what you ask for help), or you don't get help.

This is necessary not to flatter the pride of the rescuer but in order to make the process of rescue possible. To save by overcoming resistance is to rape. To save only the one who gives back the control into your hands and then listens to you. With any other can be only to cooperate on equal, recognizing his will do so, as he wants.


That is, when a woman makes it clear to a man that she does not consider him stronger than herself, but at the same time expects that he will protect her and become a knight, she either offers him to become her servant, recognizing her mistress and carrying out her orders, or calls him to violence, to ensure that he proved his strength to her, breaking her resistance and skepticism.

Neither the first role (servant) nor the second (the rapist) men usually are not satisfied, although they are often against the will and in the first role and the second, often interchangeably, because of the role of servant very tempting to jump into the role of rapist (remember the slave revolt and proletarian revolution), and the role of the rapist in the role of a servant (out of guilt), and this is a vicious circle.

To get out of the vicious circle, people in a couple must quite clearly determine for themselves where they are equal partners, and where — a weak lady and her knight, and follow the rules. Rules is that in space equality and cooperation no weak and strong there is no, and in space knightly games l not looks at his knight as the other, even more, its robust knight, otherwise, knighthood he not can, and can treat it as to rival, but not as too weak l. And it is impossible to mix these spaces: one-for business, another-for indulgence.

Is it possible to throw away the game of ladies and knights, while keeping the sexual space alive and saturated? While for many it is quite difficult. Yes, there are genders and homosexuals who do in sexual and romantic spaces without a clear division into M and F, but they often have sex associated with a hierarchy, although more complex and sometimes more subtle. There are people with experience of sex without hierarchy, and that experience is almost always about going beyond gender roles or mixing gender roles.

Since sex is very complicated and projections work, a person can enjoy identifying with a partner and just dissociating from himself, as well as going beyond his social personifications, that is, presenting himself as someone else and experiencing an impersonal experience. That is, sex is so complex and diverse system that persons may not participate in it, and therefore no gender roles are often not tracked, even if people are heterosexual.

However, while the game of strong knights and weak ladies are necessary for many, and for many, they are associated with sexuality. Those who are filled with fear and loathing of hierarchy very often block the sexual channel. Blocking the sexual channel is not the same as the sublimation of sexual energy. Sublimation is a good thing. This means that sexual energy is freely accumulated, but transformed into creative energy and spent on more important things than mere physical satisfaction. The person at the same time looks sensual, filled with power, and, as a rule, feels sympathy for the sexual side of life, at least does not feel disgust and contempt. When you lock a channel, this area seems to be man repelling, which often gives his mind dullness and facial expression disgust. Energy does not accumulate, the resource is frustrated, which affects most often adversely on the General condition, although not always.

That is, to give up games in the strong and weak if these games charge with sexual energy, it is not necessary. Do not think that by themselves, these games are able to make weak. Many believe that women's sympathy for sexual submission can cause them to agree to a subordinate role in society, the rejection of resources and their own supports. Actually, it's not. It is like thinking that the care of beauty can interfere with the work when it is already there, and the care of health — creativity, and to cite the example of beauty addicts, who have not a single business thought in his head, and the whole head is occupied with trifles, or refer to the dull rosy-cheeked athletes, contrasting them with stunted artists with ardent eyes. Yes, addiction hinder the development of other resources, because it absorbs all the attention and energy, but the harmonious pumping resource eliminates the addiction.

As "being a sensible human being and think about beauty nails" so you can be a strong personality, and combine it with female sexuality. Difficulties arise with the very division of sexual and personal space. And the main difficulty is for women.

Studies of many people who are seriously addicted to BDSM practices show that men and women have, on average, one obvious difference. Women are almost never interested in the game space, and game women agree, mostly, just for the money or hoping to transfer slot relationship in the real world. That is if a woman obeys in practice, and if a woman dominates, she wants it to be a reality. She does not need a "session prisoner", and really need a man in love and ready for anything for her, otherwise she will not be able to enjoy her role as mistress, she does not need a "game dominant", and need a man in whom she could really see someone who wants to obey, otherwise she will not be able to enjoy the role of a concubine or sexual slave. There are exceptions to this rule, but among women, there are very few exceptions. But that concerns men, there the situation contrary.

To be continued... https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d8dbd85e4f39f00b039c094/female-weakness-part-3-5d94dc45a06eaf00b003a345