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Financial literacy


Ability to handle your money wisely refers to basic education as one of the occupations that have been studied more at home than at school, and more on the example of parents than on textbooks. Different possibilities Accumulation of funds and investments are becoming all is more complex, and in order to understand these processes and make wise use of basic knowledge about money planning, both mathematics, social studies, history, and economics need to be introduced theories.

This financial alphabet is a valuable tool for both teachers and parents, as well as for students of all ages; it will help to better understand the complexities of financial and make decisions in everyday situations.

In the Estonian economy, everything was not always smooth. In addition to the companies, the failures were shocking

Tens of thousands of our fellow citizens, caused by miscalculated risks or insufficient financial knowledge. An educated and informed citizen thinks through all his or her decisions thoroughly, thus helping the state to avoid mistakes, learns from mistakes and learns better is recovering from the effects of the crisis.

I hope that with the help of this book a generation will grow up that will be able to manage the money better than its predecessors, more intelligently - without getting intoxicated and at the same time avoiding of great upheaval.

A good education is more than a body of knowledge. First of all, it is the ability to be realized in life, the awareness of their goals and ways, leading to them, the ability and willingness to act as a full member of society and as a bona fide citizen.

Financial literacy and skills, undoubtedly, are part of a good education, as the idea of how to manage finances is in turn, is related to the success of the students in their of a further independent life. Regardless of the choice to be made by each individual in his or her profession and interests will determine his or her economic well-being in the future.

Every teacher can influence the development of the economy and reduce the number of people in society.

The financial difficulties of the students, raising the level of awareness of the students in the field of financial education, as well as in the field of sphere.

In order to make reasonable financial decisions, basic knowledge is necessary - whether you are entering into an insurance contract or opening an insurance company, however a deposit or application for a bank a loan. Since there are many financial services and their conditions are different before finding the most suitable service, it is worthwhile to enter the course of these services.

Money loves counting

"We can't buy you this!" "We have financial Difficulties!" "We don't have enough money"... Okay, but it's in

"We don't have the money for this" Okay, Mom's credit card still has a free

"Okay, my child must have a happy and care free childhood!"

Probably, many children have heard some of these phrases from their parents' mouths, saying, "I've got a toy, a new phone, an iPod, fashionable clothes..." .

Attach a price tag: three questions to a teenager who's gonna bring him back to earth

  • How much money does it take to live separately?
  • What kind of income does it take to live a life of your dreams?
  • What kind of profession and what kind of education to provide the income you need to live your life dreams?

The most correct answer in these circumstances would be: "Let's see if it fits into the framework of our budget." A child's wish can only be accepted if the cost of satisfying him or her is not savings to the detriment of his or her own health, or if he or she does not take out a loan without thinking.

Parents would make their lives easier if they did not avoid discussing financial issues in front of the child, but rather involved him in these discussions. Then it is less likely that a teenage boy's refusal will cause a storm of protest. School can also make life easier for parents by teaching their children

Evaluate their desires and think about financial issues in the longer term than "here and now."