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Degree of endurance development


The degree of endurance development can be divided into two groups of indicators:
1. External (behavioral) indicators that reflect the effectiveness of a person's motor activity during fatigue:
In any physical exercise, the external indicator is the magnitude and nature of changes in various bio mechanical parameters of motor activity at the beginning, middle and end of the work. Comparing their values in different periods of time, determine the degree of difference and give an opinion on the level of endurance. As a rule, the less these indicators change by the end of the exercise, the higher the level of endurance.
External endurance indicators in cyclic physical exercises:
Distance covered at a given time
— Minimum time to cover a long enough distance
— The Largest distance when driving at a given speed “to failure”

External endurance indicators in game activities and martial arts measure the time during which the level of given efficiency of motor activity is measured.
The external indicators of endurance in the complex coordination kinds of the activity connected with performance of accuracy of movements (sports gymnastics, figure skating, etc.), the indicator of endurance is stability of technically correct performance of action.
2. Internal (functional), which reflect certain changes in the functioning of various organs and systems of the body that ensure the performance of this activity.
Internal indicators of endurance: changes in the CNS, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and other systems and organs of the person in fatigue.

The level of development and endurance in various types of motor activity depends on a number of factors:
1. The energy potential of the body includes the amount of energy resources available to the body;
2. Functional potential of different body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, CNS, endocrine, thermoregulatory, neuromuscular, etc.);
3. the speed of activation and the degree of consistency in the work of the above mentioned systems, which ensure the exchange, production and recovery of energy in the process of work;
4. Stability of physiological and mental functions allowing keeping activity of functional systems of an organism to the adverse changes in the internal environment of an organism caused by work (increase in an oxygen debt, increase of lactic acid in blood, etc.).
5. economical use of energy and functional potential of the body. It determines the ratio between the result of the exercise and the cost of achieving it.
6. Preparedness of the musculoskeletal system;
7. Perfection of technical and tactical skills, depending on the level of technique or rational tactics of competitive activity;
8. Personal and psychological features that have a great influence on the manifestation of endurance, especially in difficult conditions, i.e. associated with the properties of personality, features of mental processes and mental states;
9. Age and sex and morphological;
10. External conditions of activity, i.e. environment and heredity (genotype). A person's propensity to work for endurance is predetermined by the structure of his muscles (red fibers predominate in them). The overall (aerobic) endurance is moderately determined by the influence of hereditary factors (heredity coefficient from 0.4 to 0.8). Genetic factor significantly affects the development of anaerobic capabilities of the body.

High heredity coefficients (0.62-0.75) are found in static endurance; for dynamic strength endurance, the effects of heredity and environment are approximately the same. Hereditary factors have a greater influence on the female body when operating at sub-maximum power, and on the male body when operating at moderate power. Also, on the development of endurance have environmental factors: air temperature, relative humidity, ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric pressure, but the greatest influence has a mountain climate. Optimal altitude at which it is reasonable to train endurance — the zone from 1500 to 2500 m above sea level.
The development of endurance occurs from preschool age up to 30 years (and to moderate intensity loads and above). The most intensive growth is observed from 14 to 20 years.
These factors are important in many types of motor activities, but the degree of manifestation of each of them (specific weight) and their ratio are different depending on the characteristics of specific activities. Therefore, all experts agree that there are various forms of endurance, which are grouped by one or another attribute [9]. In practice, the abundance of all forms of endurance usually comes down to its two types: general and special.