Our musculoskeletal system can be compared with a system of blocks, levers and cables. Consider, for example, the lower back (forgive the experts on anatomy, but I will describe it very simply): to maintain the body in a straight position, the muscles of the lower back on the left and on the left work with equal strength; to tilt the body to the right, the muscles of the right side of the lower back contract more strongly, and the muscles of the left side, on the contrary, relax and stretch. With a constant forced position (which, by the way, also refers to poor posture), weak muscles become even weaker and posture deteriorates even more, which closes the vicious circle: posture
deteriorates -> some muscles weaken, while others grow stronger, causing an imbalance and redistribution of load -> posture deteriorates even more.
What is the danger of posture distortion?
At first, this is just a small cosmetic defect, not always noticeable even without clothes, manifested by different levels of the shoulders, a slight change in the contour of the spine and a slight distortion of the pelvis. But not everything is so rosy in the long term, because curvature, as already noted above, of the spine has a pronounced tendency to progress, shortening and strengthening some muscles, while simultaneously stretching and weakening others. Over time, bone changes follow muscle changes: under load, the vertebrae begin to gradually deform and change position, and the intervertebral discs begin to pinch on one side and stretch on the other, which can further complicate the course of scoliosis with manifestations of neurological symptoms. Sometimes chest deformity reduces the mobility of the ribs, not allowing the lungs to work in full. In severe cases, a deformed spine can even compress internal organs, blood vessels, and nerves.
How to avoid this?
First: control your posture and daily exercise. Your back should be “straight”, because it is not only useful, but also beautiful. Remember the expression "army bearing." Agree, this phrase appeared for a reason. A few words about the load: carry the bag on different shoulders alternately, and backpacks on both straps; try not to carry the whole burden in one hand when doing shopping or returning from the grocery - distribute the weight evenly in both hands.
Secondly: if you notice a curvature - take action. To get started, go to a specialist to exclude the presence of a pathological process, establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan, because the first stage is perfectly treated conservatively, but even the second is already difficult to give to bloodless treatment. Look for exercises or gymnastics for the spine and give them 15-20 minutes a day, but do everything carefully, gradually and without fanaticism: overwork of the muscles of the cortex will only do harm, while a dosed adequate load will only contribute to strengthening.
How is it treated?
Special exercises (for example, gymnastics according to Schrot), wearing special corsets, swimming, exercises in simulators (subject to strict adherence to a uniform load distribution and total control of the symmetry of movement) allow you to correct posture disorders at the level of muscle changes and motor stereotypes ("muscle habits" to move in a certain way). I recommend discussing the treatment of more serious degrees of scoliosis in person with an orthopedist.
Summing up, I note that posture disorders are very closely associated with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, they are very common and, sometimes, invisible. The sooner you start working on your posture, the easier it will be able to correct.
Remember that stately posture is subconsciously associated with beauty and strength.
Creams for weight loss
Most cosmetics do not get further than the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, which means it can not directly affect adipose tissue. But with proper use, even this can be turned in their favor and really reduce volumes.
The most common problem is swelling, which manifests itself in the so-called "orange peel." The main reason is a violation of microcirculation (lymphostasis, varicose veins) as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Fluid begins to accumulate in the body along with toxins, resulting in a slowdown in metabolism and excess weight. The solution is creams with a cooling effect. Look for menthol, arnica, peppermint, eucalyptus. Wraps with whole sheets of kelp also have a drainage effect. A feeling of cold causes a narrowing of blood vessels, ridding the body of excess fluid, and with it harmful metabolites. With regular use, you can get rid of edema and a couple of extra centimeters.
The opposite effect has warming creams with cinnamon, red pepper, mud, mustard, vitamin PP, which irritate the surface receptors of the skin, causing increased blood flow. If you apply such a remedy to problem areas before training, it will help to warm up the muscles faster, use up more energy, some of which will come from the nearest fat depot. But without load, all unspent energy after 12 will turn back into fat on the pope, and some will never become a beautiful princess.
And if you apply such a cream at night, a rush of blood will enhance the excretion of lactic acid from the muscles and reduce the strength. It is better to use such funds several times a week, excessive use can break the skin barrier and cause burns, as well as cause injured capillaries and lymphostasis.
To prevent stretch marks and improve skin elasticity, the enzyme papaya and pineapple (papain and bromelain), retinol will be a great addition.