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Coursework in psychology

Raising the child's will. Part 4.


Chapter II. Self-education will techniques

Will-based education can be very diverse, but all of them include the following conditions.

1. Will education should begin with a habit of overcoming relatively minor difficulties.

Systematically overcoming small difficulties at first, and in due course and significant, the person trains and hardens the will. It is necessary to consider each obstacle as a "not taken fortress" and do everything possible to overcome it, "take" this "fortress".

People with an unbending will, constantly accustomed themselves to making willful deeds in everyday life and therefore were able to make exceptional exploits in combat and labor activities.

2. The overcoming of difficulties and obstacles is done to achieve certain goals. The greater the goal, the higher the level of willful motives, the more difficulties a person is able to overcome. It is important that a person never loses a long term perspective or loses sight of the final goals of the activity.

Therefore, the necessary condition for the development of will is the formation of the highest motives of activity - moral principles and beliefs based on the communist worldview. In this regard, the education of social needs, consciousness, and a sense of duty become particularly important.

3. The decision must be implemented. Whenever a decision is made, but implementation is delayed over and over again, the will of the individual is disorganized. Systematic failure to implement the decisions made demagnetizes the human will.

But when making a decision, it is necessary to take into account both its expediency and feasibility. Any decision, thus, should be considered in detail, but, having decided, should be implemented.

4. If a person has set a distant goal, has a distant perspective, it is very important to see the stages of achieving this goal, to outline the immediate prospects, to solve private problems, as a result of which the conditions for achieving the final goal will be created.

Among the most important conditions for the formation of human will is strict observance of the daily regime, the correct order of the entire human life. Observations of weak-liked people show that, as a rule, they do not know how to organize their work or their rest.

Grabbing on to one thing or another, they do not bring anything to an end. A willing man is the master of his time. Reasonably organizing his activity, he does not hurry to fulfill the planned, his behavior is characterized by concentration and purposefulness.

In order to strengthen his will, it is necessary to fight daily with scattering, carelessness in work and life. One of the essential conditions for the hardening of human will is the systematic exercise of sports. Overcoming the difficulties of physical training is a true exercise not only of the muscles of the individual, but also of his or her will.

Speaking about the upbringing of will, it should not be forgotten that the successful performance of activities depends not only on the formation of these or those volitional qualities but also on the presence of appropriate skills as the conditions for the actual implementation of the planned, the achievement of goals.

It is not enough only to sincerely wish for something, for example, to assist the sponsored collective farm in the preparation of fodder, but it is necessary to be able to do it. Thus, the formation of useful skills, and above all labor skills, is one of the most important conditions for the successful achievement of goals.

Finally, it is necessary to point out that the development of basic volitional qualities takes place with constant communication of a person with other people, in cooperation with them. Outside society, outside the collective, the will of a person cannot develop normally.

Every schoolchild has all possibilities for development and self-education of will. The earlier a conscious process of the upbringing of the will begins, the more successful it can achieve.


Labor activity is impossible without willful efforts, overcoming obstacles. Nothing is as powerful a mechanism for forming a person's will as labor activity. Therefore, it is extremely important from the very childhood to provide the child with conditions for inclusion in the real productive work.

The whole process of upbringing a child determines the success of the formation of willful qualities of the individual. Therefore, it is not by chance that will is often considered as one of the central and most informative characteristics of a person.