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Thinking in primary school age.




According to L.M. Vecker, thinking is all the more successful the more harmoniously it combines persevering and associative mechanisms. In other words, the productivity of thinking depends not only on its qualitatively specific properties (for example, on the level of development of thinking operations), but also on the degree of connection of thinking with other cognitive processes, on the depth of integration of thinking into the structure of cognitive functions in general. Creative thinking always functions on the basis of the unity of these two mechanisms (perseverant and associative), develops ideas and concepts in a separate act. At the same time, thought is characterized by decentralization, i.e., the inner departure of the carrier from the subjectivity of thought, conceptuality, reversibility, i.e., the possibility of any transitions in the system of "operation-action-activity", figurativeness (deducibility of new forms of thought from existing ones) [8, p.685].

If we apply the listed properties of the thought in general to the idea of the creative one, it becomes clear that it possesses them to the maximum extent: creative thought is impossible without the phenomenon of insight (the most striking case of the phenomenon of understanding, instant and complete coverage of the situation), it is always aimed at forecasting the situation (extrapolation and counteraction), tends to maximize the generalization of the conditions of the task, it is effective only in the case of complete overcoming the egocentrism of thinking (maximum decentralization), it proceeds at the expense of constant reversibility and is evaluated according to its own volition�

If we turn to the most famous theories of thinking, the subject of which was a specific form of thinking, then the thesis can also be proved. Divergent, versioned, hypothetical, and productive thinking - all these "types" of thinking are actually its highest forms, the results of its most effective development. The authors of the corresponding cognitive theories - M. Wertheimer, K. Dunker, O. Seltz, and R. Solso - directly or indirectly point to this [9,p.340], [19,p.28-34], and [29,p.428]. The same should apply to creative thinking, because it is a synthetic variant in relation to these "species": it is always multivariant, always has a probabilistic basis, is characterized by productivity, diversity, variability, and absence of "correct" or "wrong" outcomes. Thus, creative thinking is simultaneously divergent, versioned, hypothetical, and productive thinking; it is the highest form of thinking development.

Special attention should be paid to the ratio of creative thinking with different types of thinking in terms of content. The most popular classification from this point of view is the division of thinking into visual and effective, figurative and verbal and logical. However, these types of thinking are simultaneously stages of thinking development, so they are not alternative to each other, and it is impossible to talk about the predominant role of one of them in the structure of creative thinking. Both visual and effective forms of creative thinking (e.g., model construction) and imaginative creative thinking (e.g., poetry writing, painting), as well as verbal and logical creative thinking (scientific creativity, etc.) are equally possible and equally productive. As S.L. Rubinstein points out, figurative and word and logic thinking most often function in unity, and the most striking example of this is the metaphor (in which the image always enriches the thought). On the basis of this we can assume that it is the same development of these types of thinking that ensures the versatility of creative thinking.

Besides, S.L. Rubinstein points out not only the unity of visual, imaginative and verbal-logic forms of thinking, but also the unity of all of them with theoretical and practical forms of thinking, so that the essence of both last classifications merges. Thus, it is possible to assert that in the structure of creative thinking as an integral mental education, all kinds of thinking that are qualitatively different in content and purpose merge together. The degree of their coherence largely determines the integral characteristics of the functioning of thinking in general and creative thinking as its highest form in particular.

The modern theory of intellect also speaks in favor of such understanding of creative thinking. According to the modern approach, intellect is understood not only as a manifestation of purely thinking activity, but also as the integration of all cognitive processes. As M.A. Kholodnaya notes, this integration of processes in the structure of intellect takes place under the predominant influence of thinking [33, p.153].