However, the desire to be an adult, necessarily "independent", and at the same time, the lack of extensive life experience, lack of knowledge of the world around him, and communication with him give rise to many contradictions in the psyche, behavior of the teenager.
On the one hand, he can afford to argue with adults, convincingly, hotly and "seriously", to prove to the teacher a new theory of geographical discovery, read in a popular scientific journal, and at the same time he is embarrassed, in the presence of his comrades, to affectionately call his mother "mother", calls her "mother", "mommy" (no matter how much his friends think he is a "mommy's boy" and laugh), starts to treat "girls" with contempt and arrogance.
The teenager is not a child anymore and is not an adult yet. He himself feels the first, adults in their attitude to him sometimes especially emphasize the second.
A teenager tends to release his or her will from the limitations imposed on her by her immediate environment. He or she seeks his or her own will and start living according to it; the control has to pass from the hands of others to the hands of the teenager.
Often the teenager starts smoking (quite "like an adult") and at the same time can play for hours with a little brother - a first-grader in children's games - "railway", "hunting", etc.
Usually, the instability in the statements, the behavior of the teenager causes a lot of trouble to adults, parents, teachers, neighbors.
It takes a great deal of tact, attention, good knowledge of the psychology of the teenager and pedagogical methods of influencing him to skillfully manage it, developing and bringing up the necessary qualities, properties of character, gradually preparing for active labor and social life.
An important role in the development of volitional qualities, sides of the personality of the student is played by fine arts, art, and creativity.
Indeed, the task of independently understanding the nature of the form, spatial position, color, reveal the beauty of the depicted object in the process of drawing from life, the compilation of a thematic composition, the task must necessarily complete the creative work (not just: it did not work - it is possible to throw out the figure and start a new one) requires the manifestation of will, develops will.
Especially necessary is patience, purposefulness, will during drawing on the open air, when excursions, trips, special exits of young artists for drawing in the park, in the woods, on a construction site and when teenagers are compelled to carry "inconvenient" and heavy sketches, folders with papers, are compelled to interrupt work constantly because of variability of weather.
The analysis of the heroism, courage, and courage depicted in the pictures contributes to the formation of a teenager's purposefulness, perseverance, determination, independence and conviction in their rightness.
In turn, the presence of volitional traits of character is necessary for the successful formation of beliefs, a system of views on reality, the surrounding reality, is necessary for the moral behavior of the individual, all its practical activities, which reflect the worldview of man.
At the senior school age, the self-consciousness and self-esteem are rather highly developed that essentially influences self-education of the senior pupil, and first on independent, purposeful education of the will. In educational work with teenagers and high school students, tact and individual approach are of special importance.
to be continued in the next part