It often happens so that despite the presence of slender and beautiful legs girls have wide ankles. And when you gain too much weight, such a problem becomes straightforwardly total. Legs look like two columns, and, especially in the summer, have to refuse clothes that emphasize the ankles. For example, sandals, shorts are excluded, and a high heel does not emphasize the beauty of your feet. On the contrary, draws attention to the shortcomings. What to do with this problem?
Fat deposits between your tibia and ankle can make a person really unhappy if they are too much. But don't despair, it's solvable. The first thing to start with is a complex weight loss of the whole body. It is known that local fat burning is not possible, so if you want to get rid of excess fat in certain parts of your body, be prepared to lose fat everywhere. In addition, the fat is not evenly distributed and processed in our body. For example, someone's stomach grows first and someone's thighs grow first. So in this matter you need to have patience. Even if you see progress in the whole body, and your ankles do not change - do not be upset, in time progress will reach this area. In addition to the standard exercises, you can add more caviar exercises. For example, sock lifts. This exercise can be done on one or two legs, in dynamics (walking on socks) or statics (lifting on toes with weight). This exercise will help to change the proportions a little bit in parallel with the loss of the fat layer. The calves will become more relief and even the naturally wide ankles will seem more elegant.
You don't need any additional equipment to lift your toes. You don't need any extra weight when lifting toes on one leg - this exercise is done with your own body weight. All you need is a chair backrest or some kind of support so that you can hold on to it and maintain your balance. During the exercise, you lift the foot of the support leg on the toe, the second leg is bent in the knee joint. It is important to minimize the calf muscle at the top point and to keep a small pause at the point of maximum tension (2-3 seconds is enough). You can adjust the load yourself: the higher you go, the more muscle tension you have.
Also keep in mind that your best friends are the right food and cardio when it comes to weight loss. They will help not only to reduce your ankles and caviar, but will also have a positive effect on your body in the complex. Don't forget to stretch after training - this is very important.
In addition to being overweight, a large volume of ankles can be associated with swelling and water retention. The easiest way to find out if you are swollen is to push your finger on your ankle. If you have a small dent on your skin, you are likely to have a problem with fluid retention. In order to get rid of swelling (applicable to the whole body, not just the ankles), you need to reduce the level of salt intake, to ensure that the amount of carbohydrates for dinner was minimal and came only from non-starchy vegetables (there is starch in potatoes, carrots, corn, beets), to eliminate alcohol and maintain the correct drinking regime.
Use these methods, have patience and your feet will definitely delight you with their appearance.
Exercises for all the muscles of the body
Today, there are so many different exercises and training approaches that you can do for years without ever repeating the same workout. And this is great, the whole variety of training is both psychologically and physiologically more effective for an athlete. You will not be bored, and the muscles will not be able to get used to the same load.
If you want to diversify your usual workouts or just add multifunctional exercises to your program, then you should read our article on exercises aimed at the development of all muscle groups. After all, it’s so great to work on all muscles due to just one exercise. Most of these exercises came to crossfit fitness.
Burpee (burpee) - multi-joint exercise, which includes all muscle groups. Particular emphasis is placed on the muscles of the legs. This is not at all easy to perform, but incredibly effective exercise. In the 40s of the 20th century, the US military used it as a fitness test. This exercise includes both dynamic and static loading. And also affects the strengthening of the muscle corset. Hips, calves, back, shoulders work in dynamics. In statics: scapula / clavicle - protraction (limb movement forward). In addition, a large load is placed on muscle stabilizers, especially core muscles. The exercise is energy-intensive, therefore it is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Develops strength indicators and endurance, improves balance and coordination of movements. It also improves cardiovascular health almost as well as cardio. Of course, a nice bonus is also that no additional equipment is required to complete this exercise.
In addition to the burpee, the emphasis on the legs is jumping out of the semi-squat, which is also a multi-joint exercise. Here, in addition to legs and buttocks, back muscles, abs, and stabilizers work. In general, adding to the standard squats or lunges, presses or swing with dumbbells, you can significantly improve the exercise, making it several times more functional.
A good emphasis on the upper body is given by kipping exercises and explosive push-ups. These exercises are close to the classic pull-ups and push-ups, but there are nuances due to which most of the muscles are included in the work. Kipping is a simple pull-up on the horizontal bar, but you need to do it as quickly as possible, so make a jerk. Swing your legs back, and then sharply forward, and at this moment stretch your chin to the crossbar (do not forget that jerks can be traumatic for the spine). When performing explosive push-ups, we do the usual push-ups, but when leaving the bottom point, push your hands up so that your palms are torn off a few centimeters from the floor.
You can also work out the abs, stabilizer muscles, back muscles and gluteus muscles well if you add swinging legs back or to the usual bar. Thus, all the muscles of the body will be actively involved in statics while the muscles of the legs will work in dynamics.
For the best effect, it is worth doing such exercises for a while, increasing the load not due to additional burdening, but due to an increase in the pace of the workout. That is, the number of repetitions that you can do for a specific period of time.