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Fashionable bait


Neuromarketing experts say that Russians are more exposed to such effects than Europeans.

From sound design Western retailers expect sales growth of about 10%, while Russian hope to increase sales by at least a third, says Malinina of “Radio 21”. She knows a case where romantic music, lounge and jazz for two weeks increased the sale of alcohol in a Moscow cafe as much as 80%. In Europe, the right flavor in the trading floor increases sales by 6-15%, said Morels of the company "Aromatik". “We, for example, with the help of the smell of coffee increased sales of coffee drinks in a St. Petersburg network of gas stations by about 40%, " - he says.

However, Vedomosti failed to hear about such outstanding results from domestic retailers themselves. The company “Adamas "in the new "voiced" store on Taganka attendance for half a month increased by 10%. However, its Director Larisa Kotova believes that for the” undisclosed " jewelry store is “a stunning result." ” In the salons of Carlo Pazolini during the use of sound design sales increased by 5-7%, " says Pavel Noskov. However, he finds it difficult to say what role sound played in this: the company is constantly working to attract customers to the stores, and sound design is only part of it. The same was said of Artem Sulkanen, marketing Manager at Sela clothing network. According to him, the company has been perfuming its St. Petersburg stores with “the smell of freshness” for a year, but cannot quantify the effectiveness of this method.

In the Shoe salon “Econika “on Maroseyka, where touch marketing is used, sales increased by 40% in two months, the company's spokeswoman Elena Vitvitskaya told Vedomosti. The salon attracts customers with the aroma of” budding buds", stylish music, coffee and chocolate shades in the interior and even pleasant to the touch packaging. Such a comprehensive approach is the most correct, says Sulkhanyants of Sela.

So far, the passion for sounds and smells is a tribute to fashion and the investment of free money of retailers, concludes the marketing Manager of a large chain, who asked for anonymity. Investments in the sound or “aromatic” equipment of each store range from 1,000 to 10,000 euros, so many companies decide to experiment with neuromarketing, but few can say how it works, he says.

Follow the scent...

The photo is taken from open sources.
The photo is taken from open sources.

How we are forced to buy

Christmas holidays act on a person as strong stimulants — we buy and buy without stopping. It would be naive to believe that the reason for this is only in the desire to please relatives with gifts. Maybe they're used to the way it was. But not now. Because behind our hype and store throwing are exact science and the work of hundreds of people. The science that provokes us to nonstop shopping has a name. It's neuromarketing.

This discipline emerged year-two ago — about it and typically recognized something write just two books. The author of one of them agreed to give "Spark" an exclusive interview. This is Pablo PEYROLON (pictured), PhD in political economy, PhD in Economics (Carlos III University in Spain), financial analyst of the centers finanzas.com and fxstreet.com

Pablo, how does neuromarketing work?

Neuromarketing is a combination of human brain science and Economics. It examines the brain. And then uses everything that goes on in the human head to get people to buy more. A simple example: in a large shopping complex include quiet quiet music to relax the person, he became measured breathing, heart rate-as during meditation. This allows you to avoid the stress and place to shopping.

Who uses it in practice

Now in the world there are already several firms that advise their clients on this science. In Austria, this company Shopconsult, I cooperate with them. By the way, they have a lot of customers from the East and most of them — from Russia.

When I read about neuromarketing, I was surprised to learn that the smell of oranges, for example, provokes shopping. Do the flavors enable you to sell more?

Yes, absolutely. The smell in the stores is very important. For example, shops that sell chocolate or coffee should simply ooze coffee and chocolate smells. This is very attractive sweet tooth. The leather goods store should smell of leather-this fragrance we associate with quality, with wealth. Therefore, leather boutiques often use a special spray, it has an intense "leather" smell.

New fashion-to flavor bookmarks for books. You know, when we buy a book, they often put a piece of cardboard in it, and we put it in the right place. So, the latest fashion bells and whistles-when the bookmark has a smell. This smell is associated with the book we read, with the author, so we remember it better, and there is a desire to buy more.

Has neuromarketing prepared any "surprise" for these sales?

Part 7: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d63de89d11ba200ad7a3efd/neuromarketing-a-session-of-magic-with-exposure-5d94b1c2c31e4900b2f9635b