Being an organic part of the cultural society, physical culture performs a number of general cultural functions. They are based on the functional connections of the FC with other social phenomena. Physical culture as an independent part of the culture of the society has its own specific social functions. They express in a more concrete form the social essence of physical culture and its ability to meet the needs of society in the field of physical education and sports activities of people. None of the varieties of cultures can replace physical culture in specific functions. Large differences in perceptions of the functions of physical education make it difficult to create a unified scientific concept. The study of social functions allows us to get a deeper insight into the essence of physical culture, to better understand its role and place in society. Professor N. I. Ponomarev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, singles out 4 types of functions of physical culture, which are closely connected with material and production, social, political and spiritual spheres of society. The material-production function of physical culture is fundamental in relation to other functions: social, political and spiritual.
Material-production sphere:
a) the function of production and reproduction of human life contributes to the formation and improvement of biological (bodily) organization of a person, participates in the general process of continuation of the human race. This function is divided into more specific ones:
— health-improving
— recreational
— therapeutic
b) professional-applied, the purpose of which is to train and improve the professional skills and abilities of employees of various specialties through physical exercises. It includes:
— Function of improvement of professional skills and abilities of employees of various spheres of production;
— Industrial and preventive, which helps to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases;
— production stimulation, which helps to maintain efficiency and reduce fatigue during work.
Social functions are functions that characterize the functioning of physical activity and sport in relation to different social groups. Its varieties:
— Socializing
— communicative
— integrative
— spectacular
— family-household
— educational
— prestigious.
Political functions. Since physical culture and sport are connected with other social spheres, they are included in the political life of the society, i. e. they perform certain political functions.
— Military
— applied
— class
— propaganda
— management (regulatory)
— distraction
— collaborations
Spiritual functions:
— creative
— informative
— regulatory and evaluation
— hedonic
— Cathartic (“cleaning” function)
— aesthetic
All functions
— material, production, social, political and spiritual
— are in dialectical unity.
Being organically included in the way of life, physical culture experiences the influence of its sides and at the same time influences various spheres of society"s life.
Thus, it acts as an active factor participating in the physical development of a person, the formation of his personality and way of life. This is the social essence of physical culture. Physical culture is a part of the culture of society as a whole, its specific type. Taking this into account, it is necessary to distinguish between specific functions and general cultural ones. Specific functions are those in which peculiarities which are absent in other parties of culture are expressed.
They are related to them:
— special-educational functions;
— Applied,
— developing,
— sporting,
— recreational,
— rehabilitation.
Modern research data show that hypodynamy has reached all segments of the population, including children. Its impact has been manifested in a sharp increase in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, intensive increase in body weight and other abnormalities. In this regard, it is necessary to increase the physical activity of people. General cultural functions are inherent to both physical culture and other types of human culture and include social, political and spiritual functions.