Even if you are temporarily unable to visit the hall, you should not spend the whole day sitting down. It is always possible to bring more activity into your daily life. Even if you are actively engaged in strength training, these little tricks will definitely benefit you.
1 Choose the farthest corner.
Instead of fighting for a parking space close to the entrance to the supermarket, stop as far away as possible. Take this as a permanent rule. This way you will pass more steps per day.
2 Forget about the elevator.
Stop using the elevator. Getting up and down the stairs will be a good extra everyday cardio load for you. In addition, moving up and down the stairs will give you an excellent load on your buttocks, thigh biceps, quadriceps and caviar. So the effect will be twofold: waste of calories and muscle training. Very useful!
3 Come out early
If you are travelling home by public transport, try getting off the shuttle or bus one or two stops earlier than required. This will increase the distance you walk every day. Walking is also cardio, albeit easy. If you walk at a fast pace, you can burn a few extra calories.
4 Change the transport.
In spring and summer, it is possible to get to work by bicycle rather than car or public transport. This way, you can easily and easily do two cardio training sessions a day without wasting time. Any fat deposits in this rhythm of life in the shortest possible time will evaporate as a terrible dream, and a bonus will strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
5 Lunch break
As a rule, there is always 20 minutes of free time left at lunchtime. You should not go back to the office, you will have time to fulfill your work norm. It is better to spend this time for a short walk in the park or in the shops. It is not important that physical activity in this case will help not only to improve your physical condition, but also to get rid of stress. Be alone with yourself and let your brain rest, and the hungry body to work. Even these short walks will help to significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
6 Leave the car at home.
If you have children, you can walk them to school or kindergarten if they are in your area. Such a walk will be good not only for you, but also for your child. You will set a good example for your child and, as a good parent, you will be able to teach him or her to be active from childhood. If you are not in a hurry, you can go for a walk in the park together after school. While your child is busy playing on the playground, you can do some exercises. Moreover, many playgrounds are equipped with special training machines for the vorkouts. Try to find out where you can find such playgrounds in your City
7 Get up more often.
When you are on the phone at home or in the office, try not to sit on a chair all the time. You can just walk around the room, all the more so, strange as it may seem, it helps to focus on the conversation. You're distracting your body from cycling, which helps your brain to concentrate much more than surfing the internet while you're talking. When your body is in an upright position for a total of three hours a day, you can burn an additional 150 calories a day. This will be around 30,000 calories per year. Not bad, is it?
8 Choose active meetings.
You can arrange to meet your girlfriend in the evening in a cafe and have a cup of coffee and a pie. But it would be much more useful to offer a jogging around the park together, which wouldn't hurt the conversation. It will be especially spectacular to choose a jog in the area of your favorite city or other picturesque places. Meeting a friend at sunset on the promenade instead of the standard ketchup potatoes is very exciting.
You'll also spend time together and chat, but you'll also get a good charge of cardio. You can start by hiking at an intense pace if you have a hard time physically or mentally running right away.
9 Have fun!
After a hard day in the evenings, do you like to relax watching your favorite shows? Not the most useful way to spend your leisure time. Try to make a playlist of your favorite songs and dance for at least 15 minutes. This will not only help your brain to rest after a hard day, but also give you a good charge of energy and good mood. Even if you don't know how to dance, nobody will see you at home and you can afford the most exciting pas without thinking about what to think. And if you like it, you can always sign up for the dance studio and give yourself the freedom to go out of your way a couple of times a week. This shaking will relieve psychological tension after work is better than any show. By the way, dancing can help burn 200-400 calories per hour, almost like swimming, cycling or walking.
10 Buy yourself a pedometer.
In order to stay healthy, a person must take at least 10,000 steps per day. We do not sometimes notice how much our activity is below normal. Get yourself a pedometer and this will help you control this process. This way you can increase your motivation, because you don't want to have a problem with your cardiovascular system by the time you're 30 years old, do you? Then 10,000 steps, no less. Okay?