The capital resources of the planet economy are often described because the mixture of accumulated fastenedand intangible assets, likewise as current assets employed in production. The magnitude relation between the various divisions of the economy is characterised by the sectoral structure of the planet economy - the mixture of proportions and relations between the branches of production activity. The branch is known as a group of qualitatively consistent teams of economic units of constant sort in technological respect and enjoying a special role within the system of public division of labor.
According to the speculation of sectors (or the speculation of structural changes), the authors of that square measure I. Fisher and Clark distinguish 3 sectors of public production: primary, secondary and tertiary. the firstsectors embody the sectors whose activities square measure associated with the receipt of primary resources - agriculture and extractive industries. The secondary sectors square measure producing and construction. The tertiary sector covers the services sector.
Developing a three-sectoral model of the economy, U. Rostow distinguishes 5 stages of economic process, determined by the amount of technological development, consumption structure and also the share of accumulation within the value. The primary stage, known as the "traditional society", contains a high share of agriculture. At the second stage - the "period of stipulations for take-off" - active penetration into the assembly of achievements of science and technology, productivity growth in agriculture, trade development begins. The third stage, marked as "take-off", is characterised by associate historic period. At ensuing stage ("movement to maturity") there's a fast development of science and business, the emergence of latest industries, increase within the share of trained labor. and eventually, at the fifth stage, known as the "era of High Mass consumption", the economy is nearly utterly subordinated to the tasks of non-public consumption, and also the service sector instead of business involves the fore.
The main method principles of the speculation of post-industrial society are developed within the works of D. Bell, United Nations agency singles out 3 stages of economic development of society: agricultural, industrial and post-industrial. In pre-industrial society, labor is employed in the main within the extractive industries and agriculture. Industrial society is characterised by production of products and also the predominance of the category of commercial employees. The transition to a post-industrial society goes through many stages. within the 1st, industrial development facilitates the enlargement of transport and public services as services associated withthe movement of products. The second stage is characterised by the enlargement of trade, finance, property and insurance operations in conditions of mass consumption of products. within the third stage, the expansion of value is in the midst of a decrease within the share of food expenditures, and also the surplus is employed 1st to buy consumer durables, then to buy luxury product, recreation and consumption of services, that square measuredominated by education and health care.
D. Bill conjointly enhances the three-sectoral model with 2 alternative steps: "Quaternary" and "Quaternary", reflective the transition from industrial to post-industrial society. beneath this model, services be 3 sectors: Tertiary - transport and utilities; Quaternary - trade, insurance, property and money services; and Five-tier - health, education, research, recreation and public administration.
In economic apply, there square measure sometimes 3 teams of industries: agriculture (primary industries), business and construction (secondary industries) and services (tertiary industries). In terms of the share of the created price within the world average, agriculture accounts for less than 100%, business - 30-40%, and services - hour. there's another classification of the pectoral structure - division into basic sectors and infrastructure. the essential sectors embody the fuel and energy sector, industry, agriculture and accumulated scientific and technical potential, whereas the infrastructure sectors square measure transport, communications and telecommunications, and data technology.
The general trends of sect oral shifts within the economies of most countries square measure the reduction of the share of raw materials and agriculture, capital-intensive industries, and also the rapid climb of the services sector.
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