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Capital resources. Part 2
The largest and most mature primary energy market is that the oil market. It sells quite 1/2 the world's boring. the most oil consumption and production centers don't coincide geographically. except the united kingdom and Scandinavian nation, that have substantial oil reserves, alternative developed countries decease. Oil accounts for quite 2 hundredth of the entire export price of all developing countries. for a few African and Asian countries, oil is that the main element of their exports (Nigeria, Angola, Libya, Saudi Arabia)...
5 лет назад
Capital resources. Part 1
The capital resources of the planet economy are often described because the mixture of accumulated fastenedand intangible assets, likewise as current assets employed in production. The magnitude relation between the various divisions of the economy is characterised by the sectoral structure of the planet economy - the mixture of proportions and relations between the branches of production activity. The branch is known as a group of qualitatively consistent teams of economic units of constant sort in technological respect and enjoying a special role within the system of public division of labor...
5 лет назад
Human resources
Labor resources area unit the a part of the population possessing physical development and intellectual (intellectual) talents necessary for labor activity. The working class includes each used and potential employees. The working class may be a class that occupies Associate in Nursing intermediate position between the economic classes "population" and "total labor force". Quantitatively, the working class includes all fit population useddespite age within the fields of public economy and self-employment...
5 лет назад
Global resources. Resources of the world economy. Part 2
In several countries, agricultural land is apace shrinking as a result of it's being employed for construction. the planet is additionally experiencing degradation, degradation and land degradation. Thus, because of erosion, 6-7 million hectares of agricultural land square measure annually withdrawn from the market. geologic process of antecedently land, that covers a minimum of nine million sq. area unit, is additionally a significant threat. Most of the world's water resources square measure found within the oceans (361 million sq...
5 лет назад
Global resources. Resources of the world economy. Part 1
The world's resources or resources of the globe economy embrace the natural potential of the globe economy, the population and human resources of the globe economy, in addition because the capital resources of the globeeconomy and its pectoral structure. Scientific and technological progress is currently resulting in a gradual weakening of the impact of resource potential on the globe economy, however the globe economy desiresadditional and additional resources for any development. Natural resources will be outlined in 2 ways: 1...
5 лет назад
World economy. Concept and stages of development of the world economy. Part 1
The world economy may be a advanced system. All national economies ar delimited by the movement of products, services and inputs. On this basis, international economic relations emerge between countries, i.e. economic relations between residents and non-residents. Concept and subjects of world economy In domestic and foreign literature there ar totally different approaches to the definition of the thought of “world economy”. the foremost necessary of them are: 1) World economy — a group of national economies connected with one another by the system of international division of labor...
5 лет назад
Supply, demand, equilibrium price
Today's fragment is incredibly closely associated with the previous one, concerning the conditions of exchange and value - maybe, it ought to be fresh in memory. Supply and demand, equilibrium price: The amount of some smart offered at a particular value is named provide. the number of some profit that a customer has at a particular value is named demand. When the value is thus low that demand is beyond provide, patrons can raise the value, removing weak competitors from the market and attracting a lot of sellers...
5 лет назад
Elasticity of demand, speculation. And why can't we switch to dollars.
Keep going through chapter two, "Direct exchange." we sell and buy horses for fish barrels. I suggest you refresh your memory with the previous article about supply and demand curves. Elasticity of demand: Knowing the demand curve, we can calculate how much of the total good will be spent at a certain price. for example, if three people are ready to buy a horse for 95 barrels of fish, then only 285 barrels will be spent. this isthe total cost at a certain price. The peculiarity of the total costs is that they can both grow and fall when the price changes...
5 лет назад
Demand for possession
General demand for possession: At each price, sellers will be willing to sell x units of wealth and keep y units. for example, with the price of 86 barrels of fish per horse, there will be three sellers willing to sell the horse (or one seller with three horses - it does not matter), and five more horses will not be soldby their owners. There may be three reasons: direct use of the horses; the desire to trade them for something else (not fish); the expectation of a higher price. the number of units of benefit that owners are not willing to sell at a certain price is called the demand for conservation...
5 лет назад
Fundamentals of the economy
Fundamentals of the economy: types of exchange benefits, property rights, credit goods and services, alienated and inalienable benefits: we have a tendency to looked at the exchange of benefits through the example of goods- horses and fish. but people can also share other benefits, such as changing goods to services. And services can also be bought for direct consumption (e. g. medical care or singing a song) or not for direct consumption (e. g. cultivation work). Even the goods are not really valuable in themselves, but the service they serve the person...
5 лет назад