People have long dreamed of a society in which all kinds of strife would stop and eternal peace would take hold. But instead, they have again and again been at war with everyone against everyone.
But the hope of being able to override the destructive element of universal hatred has not died. In the historical memory of mankind, the names of those wise rulers, who were famous for the art of settling the most complicated disputes, have survived for centuries.
It should be noted that conflicts permeate our entire society - and this does not require proof. This fate has not passed and the social institutions, which is the school. It would not be an exaggeration to say that conflicts of different intensity are typical for most Russian schools. Since the pedagogical sphere is a set of all types of targeted socialization of personality, and its essence is in the transfer and adoption of social experience, it is here that favourable social and psychological conditions are needed to provide mental comfort to the teacher, student and parents.
Problems of conflict in the school environment should be addressed by such science as the sociology of pedagogical conflict.
The sociology of pedagogical conflict is a rather developed multidisciplinary discipline that investigates the causes, nature, forms and dynamics of conflicts, as well as ways of their resolution and prevention. It targets conflict in all its forms, and the subject is the universal one that characterizes the emergence, development and end of any conflict.
Pedagogical communication is a collective system of socio-psychological interaction. Moreover, the lines of communication are in constant interaction, intersect, interpenetrate, etc. In the pedagogical activity, the collectivity of communication is not just a communicative background of activity, but the most important regularity of pedagogical communication.
At the moment, the theory and practice of pedagogy have accumulated a significant stock of facts and observations to try to raise the issue of the design of the theoretical direction - pedagogical conflict resolution, as an independent field of research on education. The problem of pedagogical conflicts belongs to the field of scientific knowledge, which has its place in all sciences, both social and technical.
The conflict in psychology is defined as "a clash of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, an isolated episode in the consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relations of individuals or groups of people, associated with negative emotional experiences".
Conflict in pedagogical activity is often manifested as a teacher's desire to assert his position and as a student's protest against the unjust punishment, incorrect assessment of his activities and deed.
In pedagogical situations, the teacher is most clearly faced with the task of managing the student's activities. When solving the problem, the teacher should be able to stand on the point of view of the student, imitate his reasoning, understand how the student perceives the situation, why he did exactly that.
In a pedagogical situation, the teacher comes into contact with pupils concerning his concrete action.
Pedagogical situations can be simple and complicated. The first situations are resolved by the teacher without counter-resistance of pupils through the organization of their behaviour at school. During the school day, the teacher engages in a wide range of relationships with students on different occasions: stops the fight, prevents quarrels between students, asks for help in preparing for the lesson, is included in the conversation between students, sometimes showing resourcefulness.
In difficult situations, the emotional state of the teacher and the student, the nature of the relationship with the participants in the situation, the influence of the students present, and the result of the decision always has a certain degree of success because of the hard to predict the student's behavior, depending on many factors that the teacher is almost impossible to consider.
It is difficult for a pupil to follow the rules of conduct at school and the requirements of teachers at lessons and changes every day, so, naturally, there are minor disturbances in the general order: after all, the life of children at school is not limited to studying, quarrels, resentments, mood swings, etc.
By reacting properly to the child's behaviour, the teacher takes the situation under his or her control and restores order. Hurry in the assessment of the action often leads to mistakes, causes indignation among the student injustice on the part of the teacher, and then the pedagogical situation becomes a conflict.
to be continued in the next part