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Social science

Can social policy have an impact on the social sphere of life?

Social policy of the state can be presented as a form of the social impact of people with the purpose of her change. This is the most generalized view of the social The state policy allows to consider it as a part of the state management, the object of which is the social sphere of people"s lives. The power of the specifics of the social sphere as an object of management policy is also a specific impact. Having learned this the social dimension, we will also be able to understand the specifics of the activities of the State, which are denoted by the notion of "social policy"

The social sphere of society's life is divided into objective and subjective components. The following conditions should be considered objective the lives of individuals, and to the subjective, the needs of individuals. At the same time The social sphere of people"s lives is presented as a relationship between people"s living conditions and needs. Social policy has an impact on people"s living conditions. The limits of this impact In establishing such a relationship between the two elements of the social areas in which individuals do not have a sense of need.

For the social sphere to become the object of state administration, it needs a level of development that requires the intervention of the state. The condition under which this intervention becomes is the level of development of the needs of individuals that cannot be met by their labour, such as this took place in agrarian societies and is satisfied with the highly developed industrial production. Therefore, the development of production and the degree of the division of labour in this production is the material basis the need for state intervention in the social sphere of life people. Due to limited production capacity to meet the needs of individuals between production and consumption arise the contradiction based on which the social conflict unfolds.


The limited and conflictual nature of relations between individuals, such as the result of limited production, gives rise to such groups of people, which can be reproduced by the latter with the help of the latter of the society in the person of the state. These groups of people include those social groups that either on the grounds of underage, illness, old age or as a result is not in a position to provide for himself or herself to meet their own needs and those of their family. Data groups of people have existed at all times, but the needs of these groups people were not demanding universal protection from the state and were carried out mainly at the local level.

Social protection as legitimate activities of the state acquire universal character, and the needs of individuals become a political category only on the industrial stage of production when the productive force society - a human being - is beginning to have a public character. This social character of production and the human being predetermines the social and political activities of the state in the social sphere and Public management of human needs. The state was able to manage the social sphere within the framework of its social and political activities, it reduces the social sphere to political categories. This means that the state singles out the aggregate relations of the social sphere of the society life are as follows a relationship that"s beginning to be universal and thus have to defend themselves politically.

The essence of the state's social policy is to maintain relationships, both between and within social groups, ensuring conditions for improving the welfare, standard of living of members society, the creation of social guarantees in the formation of economic incentives to participate in public production. At the same time, it should be noted that the state"s social policy, which acts as a component Some of the measures taken by the state to regulate the conditions of social production, in general, are closely linked to the general economic situation in the country. However, social policy cannot be considered as an exclusively economic problem. Economic science as a subject of its social policy research focuses on the economic mechanisms of its implementation. In conditions of the market economy, these include, first of all, mechanisms Income generation and maintenance of employment.