In a man, his human traits are formed only because from the first breath in his life he is a public being. The social essence of a person is manifested in his relations, connections with other people. Cognizant of the world and himself as a part of the world, entering into a variety of relationships with people who satisfy his material and spiritual needs, the child joins the society, becomes its member. Scientists call this process of personal belonging to society and, consequently, the process of personality formation socialization.
The process of socialization begins with the birth of a child and lasts a person's entire life. This happens in the process of upbringing, education and self-education when a person independently determines goals for himself and reaches them, when, having realized the sense of self-esteem, he is confident in his position in society. Socialization of a person is her/his language and behaviour in everyday life, ability to create, perception of the culture of her/his people, etc. The formation of a personality takes place in the knowledge of the environment, good and evil, what will have to face in the future life.
The process of all-round development is inseparable from the complex mechanism of school education, the leading role of the school and the teacher. How to determine the content of school education in accordance with the needs of society and the growing spiritual needs of people, how to teach, so that the learning process will contribute to the development of skills and abilities - these are the directions of creative search for science, thanks to which the pedagogical process is improved.
Today, the school carries out tasks that were carried out by several social institutions at other stages of social development. It seems that the school acts as a mechanism that carries out the initial differentiation of society, forms the social status of a person, helps him to adapt to different social conditions. The system of education is one of the most important factors of stability of society, a social regulator of relations between society and school because as the content of education is formed under the influence of society, so society changes under the influence of education.
As we know, the socialization of a person is a contradictory process. On the one hand, it presupposes the adaptation of a person to society, and on the other hand, separation (alienation) of a person from society. In the conditions of all-embracing changes taking place in our society, the balance between adaptation and isolation (alienation), which implies successful socialization, is broken. Fundamental changes in various spheres of life have led to changes in the functions and specific weight of various socialization institutions, the disappearance of some of them (for example, there were no all-union children's and youth organizations) and the emergence of new ones (for example, boy scout organizations). Adaptation of a person, especially a young person in a society of constant changes, is difficult, a person does not keep up with the rapid course of events. The sphere of adaptation is expanding. Young people have to orientate themselves towards separate, though important, life perspectives; life values change.
Socialization is seen as a process of inclusion of a person in a particular social group or community. Formation of a person as a representative of a given group, i.e. a carrier of its values, norms, attitudes, orientations, etc., presupposes the development of necessary properties and abilities.
The problem of getting an education has always been topical. The further life of a person depends on what kind of education he or she will receive. In modern society, the contradictory nature of the main development trends is demonstrated. On the one hand, the dehumanization of human relations is becoming increasingly evident. The situation is aggravated by a sharp change in the orientation and orientation of the development community, caused by the desire to modernize society overnight. Lack of understanding of the essence of changes, a cardinal breakage of the habitual system of values gives rise to a feeling of fear and uncertainty, loss of the sense of completeness and meaning of life, stability and habitual social guidelines, which leads to serious personal and social deformations. On the other hand, in the modern world, which is complex in its structure and super-powerful in its capabilities, the importance of a person as a subject of social relations increases.
In this regard, the problem of education and culture is especially actualized, because a socialized person is a product of a certain culture and at the same time its creator. The education system is called upon to eliminate the acute conflict between the two trends, to mitigate the social consequences of the reforms, to harmonize the life of modern man, to humanize all aspects of his life and thus ensure the stable development of society.
to be continued in the next part