Every night one man calls his wife: "Honey, I'm in a bar, I'm tired at work, my head is cracking, I'll be back by twelve...". At this time, a woman, gaining a bath with foam, shouted at the children: "Give me at least an hour to rest!". These people are united by body fatigue. But not physical. They have an overloaded brain and are trying to relax. However, these unconscious ways do not help for long.
Friends, now try to turn away from the outside world and listen to your body. How does he feel about what he is asking for?
Answers that he wants to rest, close his eyes, go to the sea, sleep?
For a tense brain with a lot of necessary and not so much information a dream is a short-term salvation. After all, a dream is like a pause... Therefore, if you have not yet consulted a psychologist, allow yourself to sleep.