Let's be honest with ourselves, we all want to be beautiful not only for ourselves, but also to please the opposite sex.
They love us not for our beautiful figure, but for our human qualities, but the first impressions, one way or another, are tied to our appearance.
Appearances and "chemistry". How to make it so that your current or future potential partner likes it better?
Sport, training and proper nutrition perform several functions at once, which will allow you to be more attractive to the potential partner.And just a good figure (which, by the way, is important) - not the only plus that you can get.But still, let's take a look at this moment.What's the difference between a skinny girl and athletic and athletic?After all, both images are readable in society as reference images.The fact that the lack of excess weight will not give you the right proportions and seductive silhouette.Let's say you have naturally too wide shoulders and a flat butt (the so-called "inverted triangle").If you want to correct such a figure, you can't do without sports!In addition, it has been scientifically proven that men, at the level of unconditional instincts, unconsciously choose women with the figure that looks suitable for performing reproductive function, childbirth.The sports figure meets this requirement. Sport and good nutrition go hand in hand.Nutrition is the fuel our body works on. And the functioning of our body depends on the quality of this "fuel".As banal as it sounds, the healthier our bodies are, the better we look.For example, skin problems are an indicator of many diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract.Nutrition regulation will improve the condition of hair and skin, excessive swelling, etc. In addition, sports activities slightly increase testosterone levels in both women and men.Don't worry, the beard won't grow from it, but the libido level will increase.In addition, exercise improves blood circulation in the body, including blood flow in the pelvis. These factors can also have an impact on women's sexuality, but not only in terms of appearance, but also at the biochemical level.
Slimming wraps
Because of the very old stereotype that has been around since the 90s, many people think that studying in foodstuffs or thermo-clothes will speed up the process of burning fat, but it is not.
The process is actually very simple. These methods increase sweating and, as a result, more fluid is lost in the process of training.
As a consequence: a slight change in the numbers on the scale.
Only in the process not only water comes out of the body (which is also bad, as it leads to dehydration), but also useful vitamins and minerals.
And no matter how many vitamin complexes you drink, they will not be able to fully compensate for these losses.
For this reason, in the process of training, on the contrary, it is recommended to maintain a drinking regime, not to remove water.
Besides, such thermal influence produces effect of a sauna which gives in addition excessive loading on cardiovascular system of an organism.
According to some theories, an increase in body temperature from such wraps increases the rate of circulation in the tissues and this effect allows you to accelerate weight loss, including locally (if, for example, wrap the stomach with a film), but local weight loss is a myth. And if you want to improve circulation, add a planned cardio to your strength training. It's much more effective at getting rid of excess fat.