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Sports and fitness after 50 years: features for people with different physical fitness needs

Source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/831125306216394228/?nic=1
Source: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/831125306216394228/?nic=1

Fitness after 50 is impossible! Never, you know, should age ever be a hindrance on the way to fitness. Newcomers even come to the sport as 70-year-olds and achieve success in their age group. If you or your loved ones are 50 or older, be sure to read this article or share it.

Fitness after 50 is just starting!

What to expect from a body over 50

With age, not only does the appearance of the person change, but also the inner appearance of the person. The attitude towards food changes. The stomach starts to work more slowly, and consequently, the digestibility of proteins also slows down, delaying the digestion of food and its withdrawal. Taste receptors become weaker, so the sense of taste and appetite changes. Often by this age, a person accumulates problems with chewing food, and the condition of teeth also leaves much to be desired.

The protein and muscle mass of the body is lost. Fat appears in problem areas. Reduced physical activity leads to flabbiness. The condition of internal organs can get worse, you will learn about the first disruption in the work of invisible internal assistants. This is true for the cardiovascular system, especially if you have loved fatty foods and other excesses in the form of cigarettes and alcohol.

As you age, you are much more likely to become introverted, which can lead to some social isolation, and to depression and emotional problems.

Taking into account all the possible difficulties of age, sports is your go-to wand!

Fitness will definitely help to improve your health, delay your old age and bring you back to an active and meaningful life. It is necessary to consider only a few recommendations:

1. put aside all doubts and complexes, if any. Yes, you train, even if you are 50, 55 or even 60. Can anyone think of you badly?

2. It is necessary to consult a doctor. This applies to all, at least 18, even 50-year-olds.

3. start with an easy exercise in the morning to wake up the body and mind.

4. Find a coach who will find the right person to train, given your age and physical fitness.

5. Take care of the food. It affects the quality of life and the effectiveness of your workouts.

6. Warm-up before you start your exercise.

7. As soon as you feel pain and discomfort during the exercise, stop the exercise.

8. Answer the question about what kind of sport you like best. And go ahead!

If a person hasn't been in sports at all before the age of 50

It's a very interesting situation, but in any case, a person who decides to take care of himself deserves respect. Just the case that it is better late than never. You can always become better and you are moving in the right direction.

Since you have never played sportsit's best to choose a personal trainer. He will show you how to do the right exercises, will control you and will secure you. Over time, you will be able to exercise without him.

A great way to start a sporting journey will be walking, which will help the body get used to light loads. From it you can switch to walking or Nordic walking. Then move on to jogging. The main thing is to do everything smoothly, do not chase for indicators, otherwise you risk getting injured.

An easy variant of loading will be a pilates for beginners, with fitball or other equipment. Such exercises will bring the body into tone, and the spine and joints in order. Try yoga for beginners. If it turns out to be difficult, then go back to easier classes.

If a person has been doing sports from time to time up to 50 years

This situation is already more fun and disposing. So, you already have some idea about training and exercise mechanics, you know your strengths and weaknesses. You understand about nutrition and injuries.

Depending on the quantity and quality of training in the past, it is possible to choose different exercises. You shouldn't start abruptly with a crossfit, but you can go to the gym. Start with cardio and continue with the strength training over time.

You can choose between running and biking. This will strengthen the joints, lungs, and help to lose weight. Running is the prevention of heart and vascular disease. If there are no problems with breathing and pressure, choose aerobics or swimming.

If the person was an active athlete under 50 years old

It's the best way forward. You know everything yourself. Gym, swimming, zumba, triathlon. The choice is huge.

Doctors recommend half an hour of cardio 5 times a week. Do not overdo it, the effectiveness of the lessons will be higher at a moderate load. It will allow you not to feel tired and tired. Exercise with such intensity that your heart rate increases and your sweat stands out, but your breath doesn't get stuck.

Regular exercise will reduce the risk of diabetes and oncology and leave no chance for heart disease. The musculoskeletal system will be strengthened, coordination will improve, which will help reduce the risk of fractures.

Deciding on sports and fitness after 50 years will be one of the most correct decisions in your life. Take care of joints and heart, focus on strength training that will help to avoid osteoporosis and keep muscle mass