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Finding the right partner

  • To succeed in your love life, you must first find the right partner, then go in search of the ideal candidate. Prince Charming does not exist but you can choose the person who suits you best in terms of physical attraction and intellectual complicity. To achieve this, you need to create opportunities, giving yourself the opportunity to meet new singles. You can go to the dating sites to make a first selection of potential profiles in your region.
  • Once the couple is formed and after the first few years of passion and mutual discovery, you need to keep your relationship stable: it is one of the secrets of a happy couple, but it can look like an obstacle course if you don't know how to do it. Everyone must contribute, it's a team effort! To make your marriage a satisfying relationship, you need to invest together, overcome daily obstacles by supporting each other and learn to communicate without being agitated, nervous or angry.

Learning to communicate as a couple

  • Knowing how to listen to the reproaches of your half, but also learning to formulate your own: it is essential! It allows your partner to know how things are going, what he can do or should avoid causing unnecessary stress in the relationship. It is not easy to receive criticism from the person you love, but you must identify the sources of altercation within the couple. Any implied discomfort or discomfort does not bode well for the future of your relationship. It is indeed surprising to know couples who separate when their daily lives seemed perfectly smooth, without imprecision. People who don't talk go straight into a wall. In terms of relationships, it's no secret: you have to communicate!
  • In addition, we also know how to distinguish the difference between concessions and compromises. For example, if your partner does not like you going out with friends when he or she is not present, you should ask them to trust each other and emphasize their need for freedom. The concession would be to cancel outings with your friends with the risk of feeling a sense of frustration that could harm your relationship. On the contrary, a good compromise could be to give him all the details of your evening or to reassure him and come back within a reasonable time agreed together.

Remember that it is easy to clarify a problem when it arises, especially if it is based on a misunderstanding, while it becomes more and more complex if you or your partner stir too long on an issue that could be dealt with right away... Discouragement, remorse or frustration accelerate the breakdown of the couple.

Finding time for a fulfilling romantic relationship

  • Children, work, friends, family: you don't have much time left for your partner! Yet one of the keys to a happy couple's success is to spend time together. It is not a matter of asking the other person to get rid of them as soon as possible, but rather to offer them a moment for two without waiting for the need to do so. The demands of the outside world are increasing over the years, so you must ensure that you balance your family life, work, relationships, and related activities. Whether at home, on vacation or in your daily life, offer yourself moments of privacy. Take the initiative to provoke: your partner will appreciate your willingness and efforts to take care of your relationship.
  • Expressions of interest and affection are also essential. Negligence kills intimacy and allows distance to take up a lot of space. Sharing a range of leisure activities is good for your complicity. Never forget the exchange of tender gestures. The secret is to live together every day, imagining that the next day and sometimes breaking the daily routine by preparing a weekend of love with his half. Whether it's big or small surprises, the couple needs to live, conceive and prosper. It depends on you and the energy you put into your life to build the rest of your story!