- The moment you're facing the beginning of dating, there comes a time when you should rightly understand in which direction to go.
You're working hard, you like each other... in short, are you together or not?
Here, to this question, he answers you what you do not want:
“I'm not ready for a relationship, let's continue, if you want, to hang out without commitment”.
Ow, ow, cold shower.
- Here normally a woman who would like a relationship reacts in one of the two ways that follow:
1. accepts, for fear of losing what has existed until then and hoping within herself that he will change his mind.
2. is angry or saddened by torturing himself to understand why.
- I understand well that, if you have expectations and these then do not come true, emotionally it is complicated to manage.
But don't worry.
Let me explain to you what to do in this situation.
Several times, I have insisted on how you must start from yourself and how you must avoid chasing those who do not want you. However, I understand that the sense of helplessness and discouragement can be strong when it happens that he tells you he is not ready for a relationship. I would, therefore, like to make you understand how you can come out winning.
First, a man who says this is not to be labeled immediately as someone who is looking for adventures, someone who is making fun of you, etc. etc. It's not necessarily the case.
He could be confused or insecure about what he wants.
Believe me, a man who really isn't ready for a relationship or doesn't want it at all, most of the time, doesn't even tell you.
He keeps you there, maybe even makes promises in words and continues to hang out with you mildly.
Very often, however, someone who claims not to be ready for a relationship is a man who has been surprised by what is happening between you and is trying to resolve an inner conflict between what he believed he wanted (being single, having fun, working, etc.) and what he found good in you instead.
Do you have to justify it? No.
Do you have to convince him? No.
It is important, however, that you are aware of this and use this conflict on your behalf instead.
Here's what to do.
Face the speech with sensitivity and transparency. No sad or angry tone. Make them understand that you understand it. Use your female empathy to get closer to him and his confusion. And use this moment to get away from him.
“But how? Come closer to get away from him?”
That's right. The only answer you can give to a man who tells you he's not ready for a relationship is this:
I understand. I believe very much in what was born among us, I greatly appreciate the man you are, I like you very much and I would like your happiness. If you are not ready for a relationship, take some time to be alone and understand what you really want. I hope that when you understand that, I will still be here. I would like someone close to me who is convinced because I put 100% into it and I would also like it.
That's it.
- I avoid the analysis of the elements within those sentences, but it's all designed to get it out of uncertainty. In one way or another.
- It's not the negative events that are the worst thing for the human soul, but the uncertainty, the lack of knowledge. And in an uncertain situation, you must never be in it.
- These phrases and this way of carrying put you in a strong position, a woman capable of loving, capable of understanding but also capable of knowing what she wants, aware of its value.