You suddenly find yourself sitting next to your friend in the transport has become crowded? Or from memory was bought as a gift clothing novelty, and it was 3 sizes smaller. Yes, it was time to act. And here it's not even about appearance, but about health and risk of pathology. In general, it's time for your loved one to get rid of extra pounds.
It would seem to be true to say, "Hello, you're fat/thick," and it's over! But he is loved and dear. How can we not hurt him, successfully motivate him and be useful in overcoming the difficulties of the weight loss process?
A close person does not want to lose weight?
No problem, if the reaction to your remark is adequate and productive - there will be an independent review of eating behavior, and the morning begins with exercise and jogging.
Only in most cases, it is the opposite. Hurts, caprices, and seizure of "psychos" sweet and fatty.
So before you start talking about it, think about 10 times, who needs more weight loss of a loved one, you or him (her)? Will you be able to be firm in your decision and persistent in your desire to "bring him to a healthy weight on your own hump"?
How to convince your loved one to lose weight
The first success depends on how you can find the right words for the first conversation about weight loss. Obviously, you have to be honest and truthful, but choosing the right phrases is not an easy task. Everything here is very individual.
The only thing you can tell without fear - in the conversation confidently focuses on the importance of normalization of weight for health, not on your aesthetic preferences for slim figures.
Think in advance and choose the words so that the visavis does not suspect you of insincerity. Otherwise, the consequences of the conversation will be catastrophic. Instead of motivation, you will get an inferiority complex.
Prohibited and permitted phrases
Here are a few examples of how you can get a person positively, without insults or accusations:
For friends:
- "-" - you are fat and look bad;
- "+" - I think I'm not a friend of yours, but "hiding behind your chubby forms" to emphasize my sportsmanship.
For partners:
- "-" - that's your figure that doesn't appeal to me anymore;
- "+" - I want to live with you happily and for a long time, without being distracted by the pains that have arisen because of excess weight.
For parents:
- "-" - have completely ceased to follow themselves;
- "+" - how I want you to dance at great-grandchildren's weddings.
For teenagers:
- "-" - you will not be attacked by food;
- "+" - it is proved that overweight, at your age, leads to the emergence of diabetes mellitus type 2 in young people (briefly, but to tell in detail about the disease and its complications).
In general, any insults are prohibited, because it is impossible to do it in any case, as well as the charges because they take away the confidence. Also, do not threaten to break the relationship. There is an option that this is how the case ends.
How to help lose weight
If the first motivational conversation led to a positive result and the person close to you started to restore the body to normal, help him as follows:
- Hint a good rocker, write down the "right" coach;
- Ask him/her how to help: to find useful information and/or to visit the gym together, to train on the street;
- Do not set yourself up as an example;
- Bet on the end result;
- Do not cause the diet to be disrupted by your own diet or idle conversations about prohibited foods and products;
- Do not overburden yourself with lectures and advice, but control every step of the way;
- Do not lose your temper, explain clearly the harm of "miraculous" remedies and quick diets;
- Cheer up periodically, reminding you that getting rid of excess weight is a long process, and in some cases may stall for weeks or even months.
Be sure to ask to hare cases where friends or relatives suddenly start teasing you. Take all "appropriate measures" to ensure that their actions do not disrupt a loved one's ability to achieve their goals. Of course, do not be stingy with praise. In this case, "whips" are not needed, "gingerbread" helps well. And prepare in advance for the fact that your appearance will have to match the new slimmed-down image of a friend or relative.