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Lenini at the head of socialist construction


In the last months of 1920, the main forces of the internal counter-revolution and foreign intervention were defeated and the Soviet people began to restore the war-ravaged industry and agriculture, to socialist construction. The situation in the Republic remained difficult.

In these conditions it was hard to believe that in a short time it was possible not only to restore the national economy, but also to successfully deploy socialist construction. However, Lenin boldly looked to the future and firmly believed in the victory of socialism. He put forward and scientifically substantiated the idea of electrification of the country, the meaning of which was summarized as follows:"Communism is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country."

On October 6, 1920 V. I. Lenin had a conversation with the English writer H. G. wells, then the work on drawing up the GOELRO plan was in full swing. The science fiction writer imagined the future history of human society, but could not see the near future of Russia. He called Lenin's plan of electrification a " utopia of electrification."

"Can you imagine," he wrote in his book "Russia in the dark," a more daring project in this vast flat, forested country inhabited by illiterate peasants, deprived of sources of water energy, without technically literate people, in which trade and industry have almost died out? ... No matter what magic mirror I look into, I can't see this Russia of the future, but the short man in the Kremlin has such a gift. He sees, as instead destroyed Railways emerge new, electrified, he sees, as new highways cut through the entire country, as rises a renewed and happy, industrialized Communist power.

Indecember 1920 held VIII all-Russian Congress of Soviets. At the suggestion of Lenin, the question of the GOELRO plan was included in the agenda of the Congress, which was held in Moscow, at the Bolshoi theatre. V. I. Lenin made the main report on the activities of the VTSIK and the Council of People's Commissars, and G. M. Krzhizhanovsky, Chairman of the GOELRO Commission, made a report on the electrification plan. The delegates of the Congress, arriving from various parts of the ravaged country, poorly dressed, half-starved, sitting in the unheated and poorly lit hall, listened with bated breath to the breathtakingly bold prospects of socialist construction in their native country.

The Congress unanimously approved the electrification plan. The resolution expressed confidence that the workers and peasants alapryagut all their forces and will not stop at any sacrifice for the implementation of the plan of electrification of Russia at all costs and in spite of all obstacles."

On November 14, 1920 V. I. Lenin and N. K. Krupskaya arrived to Kashino village near Moscow for a holiday in honor of opening of the power plant constructed on means of selskokhovyaystvenny Association. In one of the houses Vladimir Ilyich had a conversation with local peasants. After conversation V. I. Lenin and N. K. Krupskaya were photographed with peasants, and then it acted on meeting.

In 1926 the hydroelectric power station on the Volkhov river in the Leningrad region came into operation. Its capacity was 66 thousand kilowatts. It was a promising start. The workers of the Soviet Countries were convinced that the GOELRO plan could be successfully implemented.

In October 1920, the III Congress of the Komsomol was held. There Lenin made a speech " the Tasks of youth unions."

In 1921, Lenin began to prepare a new economic policy (NEP), dictated by life itself.

The first months of 1921 brought a sharp aggravation of economic difficulties. Crop failure, the fodder shortage and the loss of cattle increased peasant poverty. The supply of food to cities has deteriorated. Due to the lack of fuel stopped industrial enterprises. In various parts of the country, the kulaks provoked anti-Soviet protests by the peasants, who expressed their long-standing dissatisfaction with the policy of "war communism", in particular with the food surplus.

Studying the situation of peasants in Russia, Lenin visited a number of villages in the Moscow province, received in the Kremlin peasants from the Central regions of Russia, from Siberia, carefully read peasant letters. The necessity of abolishing the prodrazverstka caused by the civil war and replacing it with a firmly and clearly defined food tax, after the introduction of which the peasant could freely, at his discretion, dispose of the results of his farming, became obvious.

Lenin's theses, which outlined the transition to the NEP, formed the basis of the forthcoming X party Congress.

The Trotskyists, the "workers ' opposition", the "democratic centralism" group and other factional opportunist groups opposed the party's course towards peaceful socialist construction. All of them were United by disbelief in the victory of socialism, denial of the leading role of the Communist party in socialist construction. They forced the party into a discussion about trade unions. The Trotskyists demanded that military methods be transferred to the trade unions, that coercive measures be introduced to involve workers in socialist construction, and that trade unions be made state bodies. Representatives of the "workers' opposition " preached anarcho-syndicalist views, demanding to transfer the management of production to the trade unions.

In his works On trade unions, on the present moment and on the mistakes of Trotsky, on trade unions, on the present moment and on the mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin, the Crisis of the party, Lenin revealed the ideological inconsistency and the anti-Marxist essence of the factionalist position. He characterized Trotsky's views as theoretically erroneous and politically harmful.

The results of the discussion showed that by an overwhelming majority of votes the party organizations rejected the views and demands of the opposition and approved Lenin's line. The opposition was completely defeated. The party strengthened its position. Its policy was supported by the broad masses of workers.

In March 1921, the X party Congress was held. There, V. I. Lenin presented a report on the political activities of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made reports on the replacement of the surplus by a natural tax, on the unity of the party and the anarcho-syndicalist bias. The Congress decided to replace the food surplus with a natural tax. This decision met the interests of the working peasantry, created an incentive, material interest among the peasants in expanding crops, improving agriculture, increasing the productivity of peasant labor.

The party Congress condemned the factional groups, showed the inconsistency of their views and called for a constant irreconcilable struggle against them. The resolution" on the unity of the party " proposed to dissolve all factional groups. Insubordination to this decision entailed immediate expulsion from the party. This resolution became the basis of the party's struggle to preserve and strengthen the unity of the party ranks.

Everything was in his field of vision VI Lenin. He dealt with the issues of party and state leadership, restoration and development of industry, agriculture, science, education and culture.

This is evidenced, in particular, by the list of cases performed By Lenin on February 2, 1921 (not given in full).

"The meeting was chaired by Commission of the CPC on the question of the organization of communication between all the economic commissariats.

I read the telegram of the Chairman of Sibrevkom I. I. Smirnov of February 1, 1921 from Omsk with the message on deterioration of a situation in Siberia, activization of gangster performances.

He participated in a meeting of the Politburo of the RCP (b).

He wrote a telegram to the Petrograd gubky about the decision to buy abroad 18.5 million pounds of coal to supply Petrograd.

I read the draft decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on assistance to the peasantry affected by crop failure.

Signed draft resolutions a HUNDRED - provision of transportation of food supplies to Donbas, on measures to increase production, loading and delivery of coal, the security of the Petrograd fuel on bringing to justice the perpetrators of the red tape with the mailing for telegram with a HUNDRED decisions about the procurement and delivery of fuel and other.

He signed the draft resolution of the Central Committee and the SNK on the direction of the court all cases of military desertion and the draft resolution of the SNK on Polish prisoners of war.

I talked by phone with the people's Commissar of food of Ukraine M. K. vladimirovym.

Sent to the Director of the Institute of K. Marx and F. Engels D. B. Ryazanov books: "F. Engels. political Testament. From unpublished letters." Berlin 1920 and " Collection of articles, excerpts and documents, ed. E. Torn the 100th anniversary of the birth of Engels". Vienna 1920g. - and a letter asking to inform, cannot be whether buy abroad unpublished letters founders Marxism or their photocopies, perhaps whether muster in Moscow all published literary legacy Marx and Engels, prioritized whether catalogue available works and materials, gather whether letters classics Marxism.

In a letter to the Deputy Chairman of the Small SNK A. G. Goikhbargu stressed the urgency of the housing issue in Moscow, ordered to check how apartments are distributed, pointed to the need for constant monitoring of the reduction in the number of employees in the people's Commissariat.

He wrote a note to a member of the Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the reorganization of the people's Commissariat - E. A. Preobrazhensky.