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Good Story Daily

Mystery of the missing princess.

Do you know how to run away from home?

I - do not understand anything and do not understand. So now I'm running from the police. If I now had the opportunity to spend the night somewhere, I would have done it. Although not destined. Now we need to somehow get to the kingdom of Water and Ice. I wonder how my mother is doing there ...


16 years ago
It would seem that such a kingdom cannot exist, but it does happen.
Nicole Harris imagined. Baby, which was only 5 months old.
“Queen Daphne, did you call me?”
Yes, are you Paula Adamson?” - asked me.
- Yes, it's me. Do you need something from me? I asked her.
No, almost none, she said and turned to me.
I was surprised.
She was very young. I could give her strength 17-18 years. These bundles are already disheveled. Light blue eyes were filled with tears. She was wearing a long floor-length dress with a train. It was a light blue.
The next second, I threw a small child.
“Please, Paula, take her to your place.” Hard times have come, a war is going on. I will survive if my daughter survives. Daphne Harris, then she and my daughter. I can be a good queen.
“The Queen ...”
“Her name is Nicole, but she needs to change her name.” Remember that she is on Evelyn, ”she said and could not stand it, she began to cry,“ Please do not harm her. ” Do not let her know what pain is. Paula Holdem, you gave her your daughter for temporary care, ”she said and gave her.
She left all in tears. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for her. I hope her daughter will soon ...

End of flashback


I have become attached to you.

“Wait, mom, what is there, am I that missing Princess Nicole Harris?” Daphne's daughter Harris the Mighty? I do not believe.

Come here, she said and pulled me toward the mirror. You have white hair, light blue eyes. How else to make you believe?

All this ... does not seem real ...I said I need to think it over. Goodnight, Mom.

Goodnight, Nicole ...

Backpack, then your stuff. I do not need much.

I stood at the window and turned around.

- Goodbye, mom. You did the following for me. I do not want you to suffer. I am a bad daughter ... ”I said, looking back one last time at my room.

Further, the path is not easy ...

I got to some forest and it was so beautiful that I forgot for a second that I was on the run, that my real mother was waiting for me, that I could not sleep. Even a little bit and I would have lost consciousness right here, but shaking my head, I headed further along my path. Although it was hard.

My real mother ... what is she like? Beautiful? Also with hair like mine? And the color of the eyes is the same? All this interested me, and I imagined her image in my head. Mighty, domineering, strong, brave and with the same appearance as mine ... That's how I imagine her.

Wandering through the woods, I finally found one hunting lodge and I hope that the police will not get me here.

I walked about 10 meters, but everything around me began to swim and I no longer thought that I would get to that house. It seemed to me that I would fall asleep and never wake up without ever seeing my mother.

Sleep takes hold. Three nights without sleep make themselves felt.

“Save ...” I said in a hoarse voice.

- Girl! Girl, what's wrong with you ?! - exclaimed a young man nearby.

Before I could look towards the one who called me, I fell in the snow. In a deep and long sleep.


- They say that they will get rid of little Princess Nicole.
- What? Can not be?
- Most likely, her memory will be erased.
- That is, she will not remember us?
“Yes, she will not remember us, nor the queen, nor Fred.”
So whispered the servants of the palace
“Aunt Aurora, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, little Princess Nicole, you are only 5 years old, and you are leaving us again.” Remember that you also left the palace at a young age?
“I don't remember anything like that.”
- That's good.
- Nika! Shouted the little green-eyed boy.
- Fred! I haven’t managed to hide yet! - exclaimed Nicole.
“I already found you!” He said and ran.
“I'll catch you now!” Nicole said and started chasing after Fred.
As a result, they fell together on snow, on soft and fluffy snow.
“Fred, I will never forget you!”
- And you too! He said and hugged Nicole.
They are brother and sister born of one father and one mother, which makes them happy. Gemini, that's what they were called. Two five-year-old children who frolic, however, one child again needs to leave the palace, his own home ...

End of flashback